Model Policies
Model Policies
Displaying 215 search results
Education Tax-Credit Act
Section 1. Definitions (A) “Qualifying student” carries the definition of a “qualifying child” found in 26 U.S.C. § 152(c)(1) through (4) who received full-time academic instruction in a…
Act to Prohibit Anti-Semitism in State K-20 Educational Institutions
Preamble WHEREAS, a historic rise in antisemitic violence, harassment, and discrimination has occurred at K-12 schools, colleges, and universities across the United States, targeting Jewish students; WHEREAS, in April 2024,…
The Early College Education Program
Section 1. Definitions (a) “Program” means the Early College Education Program. (b) “Student at risk of dropping out of school” means a student who: a. Is under 26…
Free Speech in Higher Education Act
WHEREAS, public universities and community colleges have an obligation to uphold students’ First Amendment rights of free speech; WHEREAS, the opportunity for disagreements, differences of opinion, and even heated arguments,…
Act to Prohibit Confucius Institutes in Public Institutions of Higher Education
The [INSERT LEGISLATIVE BODY] enacts: SECTION 1. [INSERT RELEVANT SECTION OF STATUTE REGARDING HIGHER EDUCATION] is amended by adding a new subdivision to read: “The [Board of Governors…
A Resolution Supporting the Principle of Education Freedom Scholarships
A Resolution Supporting the Principle of Education Freedom Scholarships Whereas, ALEC has long supported tax credit programs that empower families to choose the best educational options, regardless of…
Federalism Education Requirements for Public Attorneys
Federalism Education Requirements for Public Attorneys Whereas, the High Court has reiterated time and again that the sovereignty, jurisdiction, and even the supremacy of the States in their…
Resolution Regarding the Impact of Federal Lands on the State Education System
WHEREAS, the power to tax is the fuel of self-governance; WHEREAS, the right and authority of state and local governments to promote the highest value and use of land is…
Quality Education and Teacher and Principal Protection Act
Section 1. {Title} This act may be known as the “Quality Education and Teacher and Principal Protection Act.” Section 2. {Legislative findings} The Legislature finds that ensuring the quality of…
Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act
Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act Summary This Act would establish a state bail bond regulatory board to monitor and license bail bondsmen. The Act would…
Public Higher Education Data Transparency Act
Section 1. Title This legislation may be cited as the “Public Higher Education Data Transparency Act.” Section 2. Definitions 1. “Governing board” is any board that has fiduciary responsibility…
Education Savings Account Act
Model Policy: THE EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNT ACT Section 1. {The Education Savings Account Act} Section 2. {Definitions} (A) “Program” means The Education Savings Account program created in this subchapter. (B) “Eligible…
Indiana Education Reform Package
Chapters of the Indiana Education Reform Package (1) Charter Schools Act (2) School Scholarships Act (3) Teacher Evaluations and Licensing Act (4) Teacher Collective Bargaining Act (5) Turnaround…
Suicide Prevention in Higher Education Resolution
WHEREAS, Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college and university students; WHEREAS, The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s research strategy for reducing national suicide rates by…
Higher Education Scholarships for High School Pupils Act
Section 1. {Title} Higher Education Scholarships for High School Pupils Section 2. {Basic elements of the Act} Upon adoption of this subdivision in a school district, a pupil…
ALEC Model Resolution on Continuing Education on Federalism
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of [INSERT STATE] that a course on federalism is required as a condition of continued employment for every employee of the…
Higher Education Transparency Act
AN ACT relating to requiring a public institution of higher education to establish uniform standards to make certain information available on the Internet. Be it enacted by the…
Resolution Supporting United States History Education
Resolution Supporting United States History Education WHEREAS, basic knowledge of United States history is essential to full and informed participation in civic life and to the larger vibrancy of…
Statewide Online Education Act
Statewide Online Education Act Section 1. {Title} The Statewide Online Education Act Section 2. {Program Name} Statewide Online Education Program Section 3. Statewide Online Education Program Purposes (1)…
Resolution on Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Resolution on Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act WHEREAS, the federal involvement in education ties the hands of the states with mandates, paperwork,…