Model Policies
Model Policies
Displaying 45 search results
Resolution in Opposition to Frivolous Complaints and Permit Extortion
Model Resolution WHEREAS, regulatory agencies’ limited resources are being squandered for harassment purposes, in pursuit of non-life threatening complaints against employers; and WHEREAS, complaints about Hazard Communication Standards (record keeping) and…
Resolution to Oppose the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) Misuse of United Nations Resolution 2758 to Delegitimize Taiwan and Exclude Taiwan from International Organizations
Whereas, the Republic of China (ROC) – Taiwan – was one of the 51 original member states of the United Nations (UN) at its inception in 1945; and Whereas, on…
Model State Artificial Intelligence Act
Section 1. {Statement of Purpose} (1) The [LEGISLATIVE BODY] finds the following: (a) WHEREAS, artificial intelligence (AI) represents the next great tool for human flourishing, artistic…
An Act to Prevent Lawsuit Abuse Regarding Ethylene Oxide Emissions
An Act relating to ethylene oxide emissions; creating an exclusive cause of action for ethylene oxide exposure actions; providing that a plaintiff may prevail in an ethylene oxide exposure action…
Anchors Away Act
Model Policy In the trial of any civil tort action, no party or counsel for a party shall seek or make reference to a specific dollar amount or state a…
Uniform Worker Classification Act
Section 1. {Short Title.} This Act shall be known as the Uniform Worker Classification Act. Section 2. {Legislative Declarations.} FINDINGS: The Legislature Finds: (A) Recent developments in the workforce marketplace, and…
Resolution Supporting Equal Tax Treatment for All Vehicles
WHEREAS, the federal government currently offers a tax credit of $7,500 each for certain types of vehicles up to a threshold of 200,000 per automobile manufacturer; and WHEREAS, tax…
Resolution on Animal Liability and Guardianship
WHEREAS, individuals historically could not collect non-economic damages in animal litigation, and the existing legal and legislative framework that defines the relationship between livestock producers and their…
State Legislature United Compact
State Legislature United Compact ARTICLE I FINDINGS AND DECLARATION OF POLICY Whereas every State adopting and agreeing to be bound by this Compact finds…
Quality Education and Teacher and Principal Protection Act
Section 1. {Title} This act may be known as the “Quality Education and Teacher and Principal Protection Act.” Section 2. {Legislative findings} The Legislature finds that ensuring the quality of…
Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act
Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act Summary This Act would establish a state bail bond regulatory board to monitor and license bail bondsmen. The Act would…
Statement of Principles for Telecommunications Tax Reform
1. Taxes should be economically neutral and equitable. A tax is economically neutral, or efficient, if it does not induce taxpayers to change their behavior in response to the tax. …
Resolution in Opposition to Mandatory Unitary Combined Reporting
WHEREAS, many states generally compute taxable income separately for each corporation that has taxable presence or “nexus” in the state (“separate reporting”), thereby ensuring that only income earned in the…
Assumption of Risk Act
Summary In recent years, courts in some states have held that when the legislature adopted a comparative fault statute, which bases the award to the plaintiff on the defendant’s percentage…
Comparative Fault Act
Summary This Act adopts a modified comparative fault system which bars a plaintiff’s recovery whose fault exceeds that of the defendants and nonparties. This ensures that only…
Product Liability Act
Product Liability Act Summary The Model Product Liability Act (“Model PLA”) provides legislators with core product liability provisions reflecting the best…
Draft Resolution to Restore the Division of Governmental Responsibilities between the National Government and the States
STATE OF [INSERT STATE] Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of [INSERT STATE]: WHEREAS, the genius of the United States of America lies in the liberty of…
Limits on Multiple Punitive Damages Resolution
WHEREAS, multiple punitive damages claims are a major obstacle to comprehensive settlement negotiations in repetitive litigation between plaintiffs and dependents; and WHEREAS, limiting multiple punitive damages awards…
Resolution Opposing Regulation through Litigation
WHEREAS, Congress and the Administration are reducing overregulation that hampers economic growth, deters innovation, and places unnecessary burdens on individuals and businesses. WHEREAS, past experience shows that when some judges…
Electronic Government Services Act
Electronic Government Services Act Summary While the continued development of information technology and the proliferation of the Internet has permitted government agencies to make more efficient the necessary transactions…