Model Policies

Model Policies

Displaying 14 search results

  • Resolution in Support of Reporting Requirements for Public Sector Unions image

    Resolution in Support of Reporting Requirements for Public Sector Unions

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, private sector unions are required by the Labor Management Disclosure Act (LMDA) to adhere to reporting and disclosure requirements; and WHEREAS, state and local public sector unions are…

  • Financial Accountability for Public Employee Unions Act image

    Financial Accountability for Public Employee Unions Act

    Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Definitions} For the purposes of this Act: (A)  “Exclusive bargaining representative” refers to an individual who serves as a representative of a…

  • Resolution in Support of a Criminal Justice Ombudsman Program image

    Resolution in Support of a Criminal Justice Ombudsman Program

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, when there is a law enforcement related shooting or in-custody death, a police department conducting its own investigation or appointing another police department in the region to…

  • Fair and Accountable Public Sector Authority Act image

    Fair and Accountable Public Sector Authority Act

    BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF _____: Section 1. {Short Title.} This Act shall be known as the Fair and Accountable Public Sector Authority Act. Section…

  • Association Health Insurance Standard Model Act image

    Association Health Insurance Standard Model Act

    Section 1. Short Title This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Association Group Health Insurance Act. Section 2. Purpose The purpose of this act is to…

  • Statement of Principles on Policing and Community Engagement image

    Statement of Principles on Policing and Community Engagement

    The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is strongly committed to expanding opportunity for all, understanding that no individual should feel threatened or be treated differently based on the color of…

  • Resolution on Binding Arbitration for Public Employees image

    Resolution on Binding Arbitration for Public Employees

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, binding arbitration is commonly used to resolve impasses in collective bargaining between local governments and unions, especially those representing police and fire personnel; WHEREAS, binding arbitration commonly…

  • Model Policies Spring Task Force Summit 2014 image

    Model Policies Spring Task Force Summit 2014

    In May 2014, ALEC members met in Kansas City to discuss and debate new model policies. Below is a full list of newly adopted policies from the 2014 Spring Task…

  • Resolution Opposing “Card Check” and Forced, Compulsory Binding Arbitration image

    Resolution Opposing “Card Check” and Forced, Compulsory Binding Arbitration

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, the right to private elections is the cornerstone of American democracy; and WHEREAS, private ballot elections are the most democratic way to determine employees’ wishes and guarantee…

  • Resolution on Secondary Boycotts image

    Resolution on Secondary Boycotts

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, in 1947 Congress enacted the Taft-Hartley amendments to the National Labor Relations Act prohibiting striking unions from engaging in boycotts against parties who were not involved in…

  • Resolution on Release Time for Union Business image

    Resolution on Release Time for Union Business

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, many public agencies, including school districts, regularly provide release time for union leaders and negotiating team members to conduct union business; and WHEREAS, such time should be recorded…

  • Resolution Opposing Government Mandated Disclosure of Proprietary, Trade Secret Information image

    Resolution Opposing Government Mandated Disclosure of Proprietary, Trade Secret Information

    Model Policy WHEREAS, vigorous competition leads to market innovations and increased efficiency in all economic sectors; and WHEREAS, the cost structures which underlie market innovations are carefully guarded as proprietary…

  • Political Funding Reform Act image

    Political Funding Reform Act

    Model Policy Section 1. {Short Title} This Act shall be known as the Political Funding Reform Act. Section 2. {Legislative Declaration} This legislature finds and declares: A. That it is…

  • Union Financial Responsibility Act image

    Union Financial Responsibility Act

    Union Financial Responsibility Act Summary The power of workers to make sound decisions concerning their careers, workplace choices, workplace representation, and other areas of importance hinges on a worker’s…