Out-Of-State Charity Care Act


This Act permits out-of-state health care professionals to provide charity care at free medical clinics. The health care professionals must be licensed in another state or territory and must restrict the services provided to those services he or she is licensed to provide. The health care professional must provide a copy of his or her license, to be kept by the clinic for a period of two years. This bill has been enacted into law in the State of Illinois.

Out-Of-State Charity Care Act

Section 1. Title.  This Act may be cited as the Out-of-State Charity Care Act. 

Section 2. Licensing exemptions related to free medical clinics. Any health care professional authorized by law to provide services at a free medical clinic may do so without being licensed under any Act administered by {insert department}, provided that the health care professional:

(a) is duly licensed by, or otherwise authorized to practice the profession by, any state or territory of the United States;

(b) is in good standing in the state or territory he, she or it is licensed or authorized to practice;

(c) restricts his, her or its licensed or authorized services and duties solely to the provision of care or service at a free medical clinic;

(d) provides only the care or services that the individual or entity is licensed or otherwise authorized to provide by any state or territory of the United States; and

(e) provides a copy of his, her or its current out-of-state license or authorization to practice to the free medical clinic, which shall retain the copy for 2 years.

Section 3. {Severability Clause.}

Section 4. {Repealer Clause.}

Section 5. {Effective Date.}


Approved by the ALEC Board of Directors October 18, 2012