Resolution on Reform of New Source Review Regulations
Whereas, The American Legislative Exchange Council believes upgrades are needed to the Clean Air Act’s New Source Review (NSR) program to make it an efficient and transparent program that is easily understood and effectively implemented; and
Whereas, routine maintenance, repair and replacement that does not significantly increase actual emissions should not trigger a New Source Review; and
Whereas, ALEC believes that the President’s NSR reforms will allow companies to swiftly undertake essential improvement projects, while protecting the environment. ALEC further believes these reforms will help America continue to have the most modern and energy efficient infrastructure in the world, while continuing the country’s strong commitment to environmental protection; and
Whereas, ALEC supports the Administration in its endeavors to move immediately to finalize previously proposed reform elements. ALEC also supports expeditious notice and comment of the three recently developed reform proposals; and
Be It Resolved, ALEC supports NSR reforms that incorporate scientific merit, cost benefit analysis, and continued economic growth; and
Be It Resolved, ALEC requests its members communicate to their federal counterparts and the Administration the need to move forward as quickly as possible to finalize and implement these essential reforms.
Approved by ALEC Board of Directors on September 2002.
Reapproved by ALEC Board of Directors on January 28, 2013.