Resolution Urging Congress to Pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
WHEREAS, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) policy on Free Trade acknowledges “the imposition of artificial barriers to free and open trade…are deterrents to American economic interests”; and
WHEREAS, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is a 21st Century standard agreement that will create a free trade partnership between the United States, New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, Vietnam, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, and Peru; and
WHEREAS, the TPP is structured to allow for and, indeed, encourage expansion to other likeminded partner nations; and
WHEREAS, the TPP is an comprehensive trade agreement that includes liberalization on all tariff lines with standards higher than the World Trade Organization (WTO) and addresses issues such as competition with state owned enterprises, intellectual property rights, government procurement, e-commerce, and dispute settlement; and
WHEREAS, the Trans-Pacific region accounts for nearly 60 percent of world trade and 40% of global GDP; and
WHEREAS, U.S. exports to Asia-Pacific increased by 63 percent in the last five years; and
WHEREAS, the TPP will boost exports from the United States by up to $25 billion annually, helping to shore up the American domestic economy on the heels of a recession; and
WHEREAS, a 2008 University of Michigan study estimates that an Asia-Pacific trade agreement would increase real U.S. income by 1.2 percent; and
WHEREAS, successful conclusion of the TPP negotiations will provide economically significant new market access opportunities for America’s workers, farmers, ranchers, service providers and small businesses; and
WHEREAS, the TPP will integrate the American economy across the Pacific Rim, fully engaging the United States both economically and politically across four continents; and
WHEREAS, the TPP will provide an historic opportunity to improve the bilateral economic relationship with Japan, our 4th largest trading partner, by eliminating longstanding tariff and non-tariff barriers to U.S. exports of goods and services.
WHEREAS, the TPP will reduce the risk of the exclusionary Asian trade bloc, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership; and
WHEREAS, the TPP will give the United States more engagement and leadership in Asian economies; and
WHEREAS, the Obama Administration supports the expedited conclusions and approval of the TPP as one-part of its strategy to increase competitiveness and employment in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the TPP will be an impetus for further bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, to the benefit of the United States, in the Asia-Pacific region;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the legislature of [INSERT STATE] call on Congress to support negotiations for a comprehensive, high-standard and ambitious Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement that will provide a platform for regional trade and economic integration; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the President of the United States, to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the U.S. Senate Finance and the U.S. House Ways & Means Committees, to the U.S. Trade Representative, and to the Secretary of Commerce.
Originally approved by the ALEC Board of Directors on September 19, 2010.
Approved by the ALEC Board of Directors with amendments on September 29, 2013.