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  • ALEC Unveils Legislative Priorities for 2013 image

    ALEC Unveils Legislative Priorities for 2013

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Kaitlyn Buss 202.742.8526 December 10, 2012  ALEC 2013: Jobs, Innovation and Opportunity in the States focuses on policies to get Americans back to…

  • How Reality-Based Budgeting Can Permanently Resolve State Budget Gaps image

    How Reality-Based Budgeting Can Permanently Resolve State Budget Gaps

    In 2012, numerous studies call necessary attention to the fiscal crisis in the states. State Budget Solutions' third annual state debt study revealed that aggregate debt across the 50 states amounted to $4.17 trillion.

  • How to Prevent Future Pension Crises image

    How to Prevent Future Pension Crises

    State and local governments face an unprecedented crisis as a result of inadequately funded public pensions, as evidenced by a recent State Budget Solutions study that found on average, public plans across the country are only 41 percent funded.

  • Hired With a Silver Spoon? image

    Hired With a Silver Spoon?

    At a time when states are tightening their budgets and looking everywhere to find savings, one area has been largely overlooked. A new study released by Citizens Against Government…

  • Tech Sector and Organizations Tackle the Nation’s Skills and Talent Deficit image

    Tech Sector and Organizations Tackle the Nation’s Skills and Talent Deficit

    The United States faces yet another deficit, but this one is not a simple matter of red ink in a government budget. U.S. companies urgently need thousands of skilled professionals…

  • Teachers Union Failing Students and Community image

    Teachers Union Failing Students and Community

    Throughout the city of Chicago, hundreds of thousands of public school students remain at home; their schools closed while their union teachers protest in the streets and picket their classrooms.

  • Solutions to the Public Pension Crisis image

    Solutions to the Public Pension Crisis

    Public pensions at the state and municipal levels are unsustainable in their current form.

  • Website Explains Judicial Selection image

    Website Explains Judicial Selection

    by Maureen Wagner In recent years, the debate over the best method for choosing judges has captured an increasing amount of attention. In response to the growing interest in this…

  • Rothschild: “4 reasons that ‘Rich States, Poor States’ matters” image

    Rothschild: “4 reasons that ‘Rich States, Poor States’ matters”

    By Dan Rothschild Dan Rothschild responded to yesterday’s release of ALEC’s ‘Rich States, Poor States’ report: “In a presidential election year, all eyes are focused on Washington and the…

  • Safer Communities at Less Cost Part I image

    Safer Communities at Less Cost Part I

    Criminal justice reform: Defining the problem Other than Medicaid, which area of state spending has grown the fastest over the past two decades? Transportation? Education? Legal Fees? None…

  • The Right Solutions to Prison Problems: How Texas’ good policy is spreading across the nation image

    The Right Solutions to Prison Problems: How Texas’ good policy is spreading across the nation

    By Representative Jerry Madden, TX For more than two decades, the motto shaping our criminal justice programs had been “tough on crime.” It is the mindset that led legislatures across…

  • Technology in the Classroom Paying Off image

    Technology in the Classroom Paying Off

    Previously, people used to think of technology in the classroom as a nice benefit. Computers and technological resources could be useful for some special projects, but they could not help…

  • Welcome! image


    Welcome to the AmericanLegislator, the American Legislative Exchange Council’s new blog! We are dedicating this online forum to the more than 2,000 state legislators who call ALEC home. These legislators are committed to the principles of free enterprise, limited government, federalism and individual liberty, and they work every day to promote these ideals in states across the nation. ALEC is excited to be launching this new effort. With posts from policy experts and members, we hope you’ll find this forum informative, enjoyable and resourceful on a daily basis. We will be discussing the most critical issues facing the states – from tax and budgets, to health care and education reform, and everything in between. As Thomas Jefferson said, "But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle." And, since ALEC's legislators come from different backgrounds with differing opinions, this blog will be a lively channel for debate and edifying discussion. Exciting things are happening around the country in 2012, and ALEC members are proud to be part of them. Join the conversation, and enjoy your time on Sincerely, Representative Dave Frizzell, ALEC National Chairman

  • Budget Gimmicks Used by States image

    Budget Gimmicks Used by States

    According to the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, "denial" is "the refusal to acknowledge the existence or severity of unpleasant external relations." Many states are ignoring the requirement to have a balance budget and thereby denying the reality that deep and permanent reductions are needed in the size and scope of government.

  • Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act image

    Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act

    Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act WHEREAS, in 1780, the United States Congress resolved that “the unappropriated lands that may be ceded or…

  • Resolution in Support of Evidence-based Medical Treatment for Substance Use Disorders image

    Resolution in Support of Evidence-based Medical Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, state spending on corrections has grown faster than almost any other budget item for over the past 30 years, reaching nearly $71 billion dollars[iv]; and the number…

  • Hundreds of State Legislators will meet in Phoenix to discuss solutions for creating jobs, growing the economy and restoring fiscal order image

    Hundreds of State Legislators will meet in Phoenix to discuss solutions for creating jobs, growing the economy and restoring fiscal order

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Kaitlyn Buss 202.742.8526  …

  • Rich States, Poor States, 4th Edition image

    Rich States, Poor States, 4th Edition

    What Others Are Saying… “Nothing better demonstrates the essence of why ALEC was founded than Mr. Laffer, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Williams’ Rich States, Poor States.  It shows policies that…

  • Taxpayers’ Savings Grants Act image

    Taxpayers’ Savings Grants Act

    Taxpayers’ Savings Grants Act Summary The Taxpayers’ Savings Grants Act establishes a program by which willing residents can opt to receive less public funding for their child’s education,…

  • ALEC Responds to Deceptive Common Cause Report image

    ALEC Responds to Deceptive Common Cause Report

    By ALEC National Chairman Rep. Noble Ellington (LA) New Orleans, LA — In its latest effort to criticize elected leaders who attend forums convened by the nonpartisan, nonprofit American Legislative…