ALEC Certification
Certificate in Innovation, Efficiency and Accountability in Government
The American Legislative Exchange Council is pleased to announce the opportunity for member certification in Innovation, Efficiency and Accountability in Government. As part of an ongoing continuing education initiative, ALEC meetings and workshops will be organized into three tracks. Upon completion of sufficient coursework, members in good standing will be awarded a certificate of completion.
The tracks system focuses learning on the three ALEC Centers of Excellence: the Center for Innovation and Technology, the Center for State Fiscal Reform and the Center to Restore the Balance of Government Workshops or Courses will be labeled according to track. Please refer to your agenda and the ALEC Daily for more information.
The Certificate of Completion is awarded to members who have successfully completed 15 credit hours, 2.5 credits in each of the ALEC tracks, in addition to the Member Orientation. To obtain credit hours participants may attend courses offered at any one of ALECs three yearly meetings, or attend academies or approved webinars. Certificates will demonstrate your proficiency in innovation, efficiency and accountability in government.
To demonstrate eligibility, please submit the following documentation:
Completed Application (see below)
Processing Fee of $30.00 for ALEC members. Please make checks payable to the American Legislative Exchange Council c/o Membership 2900 Crystal Drive, Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22202