Tax and Fiscal Policy

Task Force Description

The ALEC Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force is dedicated to researching and promoting sound policy aimed at creating a pro-growth atmosphere in state economies. Policies that promote economic growth and increase state competitiveness are achieved by reducing excessive government spending and limiting the overall tax burden. The Task Force’s legislative members are at the forefront of developing sound, fiscally responsible, and free market tax and fiscal policies to address the needs that the states now face.

The Task force has pioneered policies that increase budget transparency, promote state spending limitations, require super-majorities for tax increases, implement dynamic revenue forecasting, and many more. The Task Force has several Subcommittees that examine specific policy areas in detail. These areas include fiscal policy reform, internet taxation, education finance, and public pensions.

The ALEC Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force is working to provide economically viable, fiscally responsible, and free market solutions to promote economic growth.


All Model Policies

  • Taxpayer Transparency Act Final

    Be it enacted by the Legislature of the [COUNTY] as follows: Section I. [Chapter] of the Code of [COUNTY] is hereby added as provided hereinafter: TAXPAYER TRANSPARENCY 1 Title. 2 Legislative intent. 3 Definitions. 4 Searchable budget database website created. 5 Updates. 6 Compliance with Act. 7 Electronic public access…

  • Local Taxpayer Protection Act Final

    Be it enacted by the Legislature of [COUNTY] as follows: Section 1. Local Taxpayer Protection Act. (A) Should the annual operating budget result in an increase in property tax levy, adoption by the Legislature shall require a vote of two-thirds of the total Legislature. (B) The…

  • Savings Incentive Partnership Program Final

    APPROVAL/LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE CODE OF [COUNTY] BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER ENTITLED “SAVINGS INCENTIVE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM”  Be it enacted by the Legislature of [COUNTY] as follows: Purpose. The purpose of the [COUNTY] Savings Incentive Partnership Program (the “Program”) is to maximize the conservation of County resources for the…

  • Resolution Supporting a US-Taiwan Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income Final

    WHEREAS, the United States has entered into tax treaties covering more than 60 jurisdictions around the world which facilitate bilateral economic activity; strengthen global cooperation and benefit US businesses and consumers; and WHEREAS, Taiwan, with a population of 23.2 million has a rapidly expanding economy that produces items critical to…

  • Public Community College State Finance Program Final

    Section 1. Definitions (1) “Program” means the public community college state finance program established by this Act.   Section 2. Program Components; Administration; Required Reporting (1) The program consists of: (a) A base tier of state and local funding determined in accordance with section 5 that ensures each…

  • Public Trusts Pledge Prohibition Act Final

    Section A: Addition to current statutes governing state agency duties [Bracketed portions may be adjusted for the needs of each state] Nongovernmental agreements a. Except as otherwise provided in statute, all state and local treasury funds and public retirement systems are prohibited from signing, joining, or promoting policy…

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