ALEC Staff
ALEC Executives
A vibrant team of experienced leaders, with Lisa B. Nelson at the helm, guide day-to-day ALEC staff operations.
Lisa B. Nelson
Chief Executive Officer
Lisa Bowen
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President of Operations and Administration
Courtney Cook
Vice President, Events
Lee Schalk
Vice President, Policy
Marie Vulaj
Senior Vice President, Partnerships and Engagement
Jonathan Williams
Executive Vice President, Policy and ALEC Chief Economist
ALEC Staff
ALEC has an eclectic set of full-time staffers who strive daily to promote limited government, free markets and federalism. Their diverse interests, backgrounds and experiences contribute to an effective team of happy warriors for freedom.
Juan Bautista
Senior Accountant
Kathaleen Kelly
Legislative Outreach Coordinator
Chandler Averette
Digital Media Specialist
Holly Barber
Director, Events
Gretchen Baldau
Senior Director, Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force
Dusty Becraft
Manager, Accounts Receivable
Annelise Coffin
Events Coordinator
Lars Dalseide
Director of Policy Advancement and Media Relations
Zachary Federico
Executive Assistant
Jose Fernandez
Office Manager
Andrew Handel
Director, Education and Workforce Development Task Force
Alex Hinson
Director of Non-Profit and Corporate Relations
Alan Jernigan
Policy Coordinator
Karla Jones
Senior Director, Federalism and International Relations Task Force
Rose Laoutaris
Policy Manager
Nino Marchese
Director, Civil Justice and Criminal Justice Task Forces
Cynthia McDowell
Executive Assistant to the CEO & Board Liaison
Joshua Meyer
Research Manager
Jake Morabito
Director, Communications and Technology Task Force
Christine Phipps
Senior Director, Art and Creative
Brooklyn Roberts
Senior Director, Health and Human Services Task Force
Megan Snitchler
Development Coordinator
Nick Stark
Director, Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force
Joe Trotter
Director, Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force
Gabriella Uli
Manager, Legislative Engagement
Amy Varner
Database Administrator