Key Points
  • The Homeland Security Task Force will operate as a venue for state legislators and local elected officials to share best practices, learn from industry experts and academics and discuss model policies.


Governments, agencies, private sector companies, and others are all at risk for suffering some form of computer related attack. Hospitals have fallen prey to ransomware attacks. Foreign actors gained access to the Office of Personnel Management’s database. What standards should state and local governments employ regarding proper cybersecurity practices? How can governments help the private sector detect and respond to attacks?

Border Security

States play a role protecting the border. This includes ports of entry where state and local law enforcement work side-by-side with federal law enforcement. States and local government can share best practices, learn what type of threats other governments face, and share how they integrate innovative technologies into their operations.

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

From wildfires to earthquakes, from hurricanes and tornadoes, every state must prepare for natural disasters and man-made emergencies. In the Homeland Security Task Force, states and local governments can learn from each other and share best practices.

Model Policies

  • An Act to Identify and Report Certain Foreign-Related Transactions to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) Final

    BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THIS STATE: REPORTING NON-NOTIFIED FOREIGN TRANSACTIONS. (a)  In this section, “non-notified transactions” means foreign investments in the United States that are not voluntarily submitted to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States for review under 50 U.S.C. Section 4565.

  • Act to Designate Human Smuggling as a State Crime Final

    An Act concerning crimes, punishment and criminal procedure; relating to crimes against persons; creating the crimes of human smuggling and aggravated human smuggling; providing criminal penalties, therefore. Be it enacted by the Legislature of this state: Sec 1. (a) (1) Human smuggling is intentionally transporting, harboring or concealing an individual into…

  • Statement of Principles on School Facility Safety and Security Final

    Therefore, consistent with these objectives, we have developed the following principles regarding school facility safety and security: (i) Schools are a vital part of our national critical infrastructure and need to be protected accordingly. Nationally, there are about 130,000 K-12 public schools, serving roughly 56 million students and over 6…

  • Statement of Principles on Facial Recognition Policy Final

    I. Policymakers should avoid one-size fits all frameworks. Any framework should identify actual harms to consumers and be designed to protect against those harms. Prescriptive legislation should be avoided as it prevents the private sector from innovatively addressing public concerns about the technology. To the extent possible, policymakers should avoid…

  • Statement of Principles to Inform Emergency Management Acts Final

    Section 1. Preamble: WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed flaws in and weaknesses of the emergency management policies in place in many states in the United States; and WHEREAS, one of the most significant flaws inherent in many state emergency management laws is a reduction of, to the point of…

  • Statement of Principles on School Safety and Security Final

    The American Legislative Exchange Council recognizes the presence of violence every day in America’s schools. This school-based violence, much of it committed by our youth, speaks volumes about the current state of the world and our country today. School-based violence occurs in all communities, urban, suburban, rural and small towns,…

+ All Homeland Security Model Policies

Press Releases

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