Key Points
  • The proper role of government involvement in agriculture should be to limit and remove barriers for agricultural production, trade and consumption through our innovative food system.
  • Processes for safety regulations should incorporate a least restrictive approach for ensuring public safety and confidence, economics, definitive risk data, and food security.
  • Our modern, high-tech and high-yield agriculture system, a product of the 20th Century’s “Green Revolution,” is critical in providing food to billions while minimizing damage to natural habitats and biodiversity.

In a 1787 letter to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson wrote that “[a]griculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals and happiness.” Agriculture, perhaps more so than any other vocation or enterprise, is indelibly American. Defined as the cultivation of plants, animals and other life forms for food, medicine and other products necessary for both sustaining and enhancing our lives, agriculture will only continue to play a large role in the modern American economy.

The U.S. currently boasts what is undoubtedly the safest, highest quality and most innovative food system in the world. Meanwhile, global demand for agricultural and forest products is expected to increase substantially in the coming decades. Policymakers should seek solutions that remove barriers for production, trade and consumption, thereby allowing the modern agriculture system to flourish and meet this growing demand.

Most would probably be surprised to learn that 97 percent of U.S. farms are family-owned and run by small farmers and ranchers. Great care should be taken to avoid unnecessary rules and bureaucratic hurdles for producers competing in our global agriculture environment. As Senator Barry Goldwater once said: “[farmers] have a more intimate knowledge than most of us of the consequences of unlimited government power, and so, it would seem, a greater interest than most in returning agriculture to freedom and economic sanity.


+ All Agriculture Publications

Model Policies

  • Presumption of State Jurisdiction Amendments Final

    Highlighted Provisions: This model: establishes that jurisdiction over subject matters not enumerated to the federal government in the United States Constitution remains with the state of ____; provides that any presumption against state jurisdiction is overcome only by a federal demonstration of specific constitutional authorization; places the burden on the…

  • Unattended Retail Innovation Act Final

    BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF __________: Section 1. For purposes of this act, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (a)MICRO MARKET. An unstaffed, self-checkout retail food service facility that consists of the following: (1) Includes one or more micro market displays. (2) Has an automated payment…

  • Resolution in Support of The PRIME Act Final

    WHEREAS, the COVID19 pandemic has shown the importance of a robust food supply; WHEREAS, four major processors handle over 90% of the nation’s meat production; WHEREAS, consumer preference for locally produced food is a popular and growing trend; WHEREAS, current federal law prohibits intrastate sale of meat from a farmer…


    MODEL POLICY ON HEMP AND CBD PRODUCTION AND SALE   BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE: NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  The legislature intends to: (1) Authorize and establish a new licensing and regulatory program for hemp production in this state in accordance with the agriculture improvement act of…

  • Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling Final

    Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling Whereas, Free markets are one of ALEC’s core guiding principles and we have much model policy that supports the enhancement of free markets and international trade; and Whereas, Canada and Mexico are the United States’ first and second largest trading partners respectively…

  • Pre-emption of Local Agriculture Laws Act Final

    Model Policy Section 1. The Legislative Assembly finds and declares that: (1) The production and use of agricultural seed, flower seed and vegetable seed and products of agricultural seed, flower seed and vegetable seed are of substantial economic benefit to this state; (2) The economic…

+ All Agriculture Model Policies

Task Forces

Energy, Environment and Agriculture

The Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force operates under the principles of free-market environmentalism, that is…