Key Points
  • Encourage diversity in juries to help moderate lawsuit awards
  • Minimize fraud in asbestos litigation to preserve scarce resources for the injured
  • Fine-tune state consumer protection liability laws so good actors aren’t frivolously punished
  • Align lawsuit award payment with liability
  • Eliminate overpayment in medical liability cases by refocusing on payments made rather than inflated billed rates
  • Create congruity between liability and regulatory systems so the regulated aren’t punished for merely complying with regulations

State legal systems and the liability they exert on businesses and individuals are a disincentive to bad behavior and allow fair players to succeed in the marketplace. When lawsuits inappropriately punish good actors, resources are sucked out of the business economy, away from research & development and job creation.

Lawsuit reform, or tort reform, refocuses litigation on the reasonable reimbursement of injured victims for wrongs committed against them by another’s actions. States with fair and predictable legal systems that promote good business practices and don’t over-punish attract business development and encourage job creation.

Reform should focus on filtering out meritless lawsuits, closing abused loopholes in the law and improving the accuracy of lawsuit awards while preserving the proper incentives to protect consumers.


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Model Policies

  • Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act Final

    Section 1.  Short Title This Act may be known and cited as the Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act. Section 2.  Testimony by Expert Witnesses  {FRE 702} A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may testify in the form of an opinion…

  • An Act to Prevent Lawsuit Abuse Regarding Ethylene Oxide Emissions Final

    An Act relating to ethylene oxide emissions; creating an exclusive cause of action for ethylene oxide exposure actions; providing that a plaintiff may prevail in an ethylene oxide exposure action only in accordance with the requirements of this Act. Section 1. Requirements for Liability for Exposure to Ethylene Oxide Notwithstanding…

  • Anchors Away Act Final

    Model Policy In the trial of any civil tort action, no party or counsel for a party shall seek or make reference to a specific dollar amount or state a range for the jury to consider with respect to awards of noneconomic damages.

  • Liability Protection for Employers in a Declared Disaster or Public Emergency Act Final

    Section 1. As used in this act, the following words shall have the following meaning: (1) “Guidance” means written guidance related to a declared public emergency that is issued by a federal, state, or local government authority including, but not limited to, the United States Health and Human Services…

  • Expedited Suspension and Legislative Repeal of Harmful Rules Act Final

    Section 1. Nothing in this act grants any authority to the governor, a state agency, commission, board, or any other state actor to impose or increase regulatory burdens on, or further restrict the liberty of, private parties. The deregulatory actions authorized by this act include the temporary or permanent suspension…

  • Judicial Deference Reform Act Final

    Section 1.   In interpreting a state statute, regulation, or other sub-regulatory document, a state court or an officer hearing an administrative action may not defer to a state agency’s interpretation of it, and must instead interpret its meaning and effect de novo. In actions brought by or against state…

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Press Releases

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