Alumni Membership
Why do we choose to be members of the American Legislative Exchange Council? Why do we travel to these meetings? Together, we take some tough positions and make difficult choices to ultimately improve our communities. Some of us receive support and encouragement and partnership at these meetings that we may not feel in our home state caucuses.
Over the years, these working partnerships and support grow into a strong sense of solidarity, community, and even family. These close connections and alliances shouldn’t have to come to an end simply because we move on from state government.
We all know former state legislators who would like to remain involved and connected with us, and we in turn want to continue those partnerships we fostered over the years.
Whether you moved on to another elective office, were term-limited, or simply chose to practice the Jeffersonian example of a citizen legislator who returned to private life, you remain a leader in your communities, businesses and even in the halls of Congress
If you are a former member, we encourage you to re-join and remain involved and engaged. You still have important roles to play in the moral imperative we possess to preserve the check on federal power and to protect the individual liberty and pursuit of happiness that our Founders wrote were inalienable rights in our Declaration of Independence.
Note: All past legislators are welcome to join and participate in the ALEC Alumni Program. However, to participate in ALEC events at the Alumni Program rates, you must be a former member in good standing and no longer involved in government relations.
$50 Basic Member
- One year membership
- Quarterly Alumni Letter
- Special Email Updates
$100 Supporting Member
- All benefits of a Basic Member
- Receive Inside ALEC
- Legislator Rate to SNPS and Annual Meeting
$500 Patron Member
- All benefits of a Supporting Member
- Two year membership
- All ALEC Publications
$1,000 Reagan Club Member
- All benefits of a Patron Member
- Special Conference Calls
- Invitation to States and Nation Policy Summit Holiday Gala
$5,000+ Jefferson Club Member
- All benefits of a Reagan Club Member
- Five year membership
- Invitation to National Chairman’s Reception
- Invitation to Leadership Dinner at the Annual Meeting