Legislative Membership
For just $200 for a two-year membership, you can be part of America’s largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state policymakers. ALEC brings together nearly one-third of the country’s state legislators and hundreds of leading industry experts and policy analysts to share ideas and experiences with their counterparts around the country, evaluate how policies work in other states and learn from others’ challenges.
Model Policy
The centerpiece of Task Force projects is ALEC model policy. ALEC is the only state legislative organization that adopts policies and creates model policies for its members to use in their states. All of ALEC’s model policies are publicly available online.
Issue Analysis
Short analyses of topical issues that provide perfect preparation for talking points and media briefings.
Report Cards and Special Studies
State-by-state analyses of critical issues such as education and tax and fiscal policy.
ALEC Academies and State Issue Seminars
Throughout the year ALEC conducts issue-specific seminars in 20 to 30 state capitols. ALEC Academies are special two-day intensive programs on specific issues, featuring national experts as faculty.
ALEC Constituent Analytics and Research Exchange (CARE)
CARE is a web-based system that helps you better communicate with your constituents, gain insight into your communities and enables you to know your district more intimately than anyone else.
ALEC members can utilize a suite of tools to improve legislative interactions, track district events, and solicit direct feedback from constituents with customized surveys through text messaging and automated phone calls.
Training and ongoing support provided by ALEC as a member benefit. To sign up for your CARE account and schedule a training, email Aaron Gillham at agillham@alec.org.
ALEC Lectures
Reprints of significant speeches and presentations made at ALEC meetings.
ALEC Website
ALEC’s website is a valuable resource to our members. Register for meetings, receive task force updates, find out what other states are doing and how their policies have been successful, and download all of our model policies.
ALEC National Task Forces
ALEC’s nine National Task Forces serve as public policy laboratories where legislators develop model policies to use across the country. Task Forces also commission research, publish issue papers, convene workshops and issue briefings, and serve as clearinghouses of information on free-market policies in the states. Unique to ALEC Task Forces is their public-private partnership, a synergistic alliance that identifies issues and then responds with common sense, results-oriented policies.
Legislators welcome their private sector counterparts to the table, working in unison to solve the challenges facing the nation.