A Resolution Supporting the Principle of Education Freedom Scholarships
A Resolution Supporting the Principle of Education Freedom Scholarships
Whereas, ALEC has long supported tax credit programs that empower families to choose the best educational options, regardless of where they live or how much they earn;
Whereas, Education Freedom Scholarships will establish a federal tax credit to support state-designed and controlled educational choice programs;
Whereas, the Education Freedom Scholarship Program is solely state directed, with each participating state determining how it will structure its program, including eligible students, education providers, and education expenses;
Whereas, Education Freedom Scholarships will not create a new federal program and will allow states to opt in while giving families more educational options;
Whereas, no family is forced to accept an Education Freedom Scholarship, no taxpayer is forced to contribute, no organization is forced to participate, and no state is forced to participate;
Whereas, the evidence is clear that school choice does not drain money from traditional public schools and in fact has been shown to provide additional resources to states and districts;
Whereas, the settled law surrounding tax credits is that they are not public funds, thus helping to ensure that private schools will be insulated against attempts to increase regulatory burden; and
Whereas, most importantly, Education Freedom Scholarship conform to the key Jeffersonian principle of federalism that undergirds the ALEC philosophy;
Now, therefore, be it resolved that, in principle, ALEC supports the current version of Education Freedom Scholarships Program and will do so as long as the proposal stays true to the Jeffersonian principles of Federalism.
Approved By the ALEC Board of Directors: September 3, 2019