Resolution in Support of End-of-Year Fiscal Responsibility
WHEREAS: Waste, fraud, and abuse occur frequently in agency budget processes
WHEREAS: Congress has the responsibility to ensure agency waste, fraud, and abuse is minimized and taxpayers are protected from agency mismanagement
WHEREAS: In the last quarter of the fiscal year (Q4), federal agencies spent 25.4% more than previous months on average, according to the Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources
WHEREAS: Many purchases made in the last quarter of the fiscal year are unrelated to agency mission, like entertainment and luxury goods
WHEREAS: The federal government incentivizes this practice by eliminating unspent funds from future agency budgets. To maintain current budgets, or to encourage a greater allocation, agency administrators spend the remainder of all budget funds before the end of the fiscal year, even if increased spending is not needed.
WHEREAS: The federal debt exceeds $27 trillion, and reforms must be made to bring spending under control
WHEREAS: Reforming agency spending rules to prevent bureaucrats from making end-of-year spending sprees would save over $144 billion annually, according to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation
NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: [State] supports requiring federal agencies to practice end-of-year fiscal responsibility. Agency spending during the last two (2) months of the fiscal year must not exceed average per month spending during the previous ten (10) months of the fiscal year, except in the case of a national crisis or a conflict with other laws.