Resolution on Raising Felony Theft Thresholds
WHEREAS, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is committed to developing effective criminal justice policies that hold offenders accountable while maximizing results for public safety, victims, and taxpayers; and
WHEREAS, many state felony theft thresholds were set years or decades ago and have not been adjusted for inflation; and
WHEREAS, since 2000, at least 35 states have increased their felony theft thresholds; currently, six states have a threshold of $2000 or higher, nine have a threshold of $1500, and 19 have a threshold of $1000; and,
WHEREAS, increasing felony thresholds has not been show to result in higher property crime or larceny rates; and
WHEREAS, the states that raised their thresholds since 2001 reported nearly the same average declines in property crime and larceny as the states that did not make changes; and
WHEREAS, felony offenses typically have a penalty of at least one year in a state prison, while a misdemeanor typically results in jail time or probation; and
WHEREAS, prison sentences have not been shown to be a more cost-efficient or effective way to deal with many low-level nonviolent offenders as compared to alternatives to incarceration; and
WHEREAS, prison beds should be primarily focused on those who pose a danger to society,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that jurisdictions should review their felony theft thresholds.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that jurisdictions should periodically raise their felony theft threshold taking into account inflation and other factors.