Resolution Opposing the Imposition or Expansion of Digital Trade Barriers


This resolution opposes any expansion of digital trade barriers that could hinder the growth of the digital economy, limit opportunities for businesses, and impede innovation. This resolution encourages the Administration and Congress to promote and support international efforts aimed at ensuring a transparent, fair, and open digital trade environment.

Resolution Opposing the Imposition or Expansion of Digital Trade Barriers

WHEREAS, digital trade plays a crucial role in the U.S. economy, fostering innovation, and spurring economic growth; and

WHEREAS, the imposition of trade barriers in the digital realm could stifle technological advancements, hinder cross-border data flows, and limit the potential for international collaboration; and

WHEREAS, a free and open digital trade environment is essential for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to thrive and compete on a global scale, helping them to find customers abroad, navigate the maze of foreign customs procedures, and guaranteeing payment — all driving job creation and economic prosperity; and

WHEREAS, countries around the world are considering and implementing measures to restrict digital trade, including the imposition of unnecessary data localization requirements and restrictive regulations on e-commerce; and

WHEREAS, such digital trade barriers could disproportionately affect SMEs, limiting their ability to participate in the global digital economy; and

WHEREAS, the current framework for digital trade allows for the seamless exchange of information, services, and products, contributing to increased consumer choices and economic efficiencies; and

WHEREAS, innovation in digital trade is driven by the protection of intellectual property rights, and any erosion of these rights may discourage investment in research and development; and

WHEREAS, the global digital economy relies on the secure and efficient transfer of data across borders, and any measures hindering this flow could disrupt supply chains, impede innovation, and raise costs for businesses and consumers; and

WHEREAS, the expansion of digital trade barriers could lead to a fragmented and less interconnected digital landscape, undermining the potential for collaboration on global challenges such as cybersecurity and digital infrastructure development; and

WHEREAS, international cooperation and the establishment of clear, transparent rules for digital trade are essential to fostering a fair and open global digital economy; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that digital trade supports more than 3 million American jobs and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development estimates that just over half of all U.S. service exports were attributed to digital trade in 2022.

Therefore be it resolved that this legislative body opposes any expansion of digital trade barriers that could hinder the growth of the digital economy, limit opportunities for businesses, and impede innovation.

Therefore be it further resolved that this legislative body urges the Administration and Congress to promote and support international efforts aimed at ensuring a transparent, fair, and open digital trade environment.