Substantive Transparency in Education Act
Model Policy
Section 1. {Definitions.} For the purposes of this Act:
(A) “Department” means the Department of Education.
(B) “Product” means an original, updated, or revised textbook, curriculum, instructional material, or instructional program.
Section 2.
A school of this State shall keep during regular business hours a set of products available in print for inspection for any parent or guardian of a child enrolled in that school. With respect to any digital product, a school shall instruct parents or guardians of children enrolled in the school how to access these materials and, if necessary, shall make a school computer available to parents or guardians for that purpose during regular business hours.
Section 3.{Severability clause.}
Section 4.{Repealer clause.}
Section 5.{Effective date.} This Act takes effect immediately.