Criminal Justice

Task Force Description

Currently, nearly one in every 100 American adults is behind bars and once released from prison more than four in ten return within three years. This failing system costs federal, state, and local governments approximately $85 billion, yet does not deliver adequate public safety results for taxpayers, victims, and individuals. In addition, our current criminal justice system places tremendous human costs on society. These rates of incarceration and recidivism have a tremendously negative impact on individuals, communities, and families.

In response, the American Legislative Exchange Council began its work in criminal justice and aimed to advance proven criminal justice reforms based on over two decades of data-driven research and practice.

Members of the Criminal Justice Task Force advance solutions that refocus criminal justice resources on dangerous individuals and put the right programs in place to hold those who commit nonviolent offenses accountable while providing them with the resources they need to successfully reenter society. The Criminal Justice Task Force focuses on: corrections and reentry, pretrial release, overcriminalization, sentencing reform, and transparency and accountability within the criminal justice system.


All Model Policies

  • Act to Prepare Inmates for Re-entry and the Workforce Final

    BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ­­­__________: Section 1. (A) When any inmate shall be discharged from a term of imprisonment for a felony offense and the intended residence designated by the inmate is within this state, the Department of Corrections shall provide the…

  • Resolution in Support of Victim-Offender Dialogue Final

    WHEREAS, victim-offender dialogue must be voluntarily chosen by both the victim and the offender. Dialogue may be pursued as an alternative or in parallel to the traditional process. WHEREAS, a written agreement is reached that typically requires restitution, community service, no further offenses, and counseling. Failure to comply may lead to traditional…

  • Elimination of Youth Justice Fines and Fees Act Final

    Section 1. Legal Financial Obligations for Youth Referred to the Juvenile Justice System A. No fee, court cost or fine other than restitution shall be imposed on or collected from a youth under the age of majority at the time of their arrest or that youth’s parent, guardian, or custodian.

  • Veterans Justice Act Final

    BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF _________: Section 1. Purpose (1) Veterans charged with certain offenses shall be given the opportunity to avoid a record of conviction, or have a felony reduced to a misdemeanor, in probation eligible offenses and avoid incarceration, and instead receive probation…

  • Record Expungement Act Final

    Section 1. Expungement of Other Convictions (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act, a person who is convicted of 1 or more criminal offenses may file an application with the convicting court for the entry of an order setting aside 1 or more convictions as follows: (a)…

  • Resolution on Mental Health and Criminal Justice Final

    WHEREAS, violent crime and suicide have significantly increased since 2020 and, though numerous factors still being studied are likely contributing factors, a rise in mental health problems has been linked to both the pandemic and restrictions imposed in response to it; and   WHREAS, research shows,…

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