Virtually Administered Assessments Act
Section 1.
(A) Any virtual school or program operating pursuant to [insert statutory reference] may administer any state assessment required under [insert statutory reference] in a virtual setting that aligns with the students regular academic instruction, provided that the following conditions are met:
(1) The student takes the assessment on an assigned date and at an assigned time;
(2) The student attends a synchronous assessment session initiated and managed by the virtual school or program’s personnel;
(3) The student takes the assessment in one of the following manners:
(i) If the assessment platform allows for integrated camera proctoring, or if the assessment platform allows the proctor to view both the student and background:
(1) On a device in which the student will be monitored by an assessment proctor through video for the duration of the assessment’s administration.
(ii) If the assessment platform does not allow for integrated camera proctoring, then the student shall use two devices for the duration of the assessment’s administration:
(1) One device on which the student takes the assessment; and
(2) A second device on which an assessment proctor monitors the student by video, utilizing the second device’s camera, for the duration of the assessment’s administration.
(4) The virtual school or program maintains a student to proctor ratio of 10 to one or less for assessments administered in a virtual manner;
(5) The student does not exit the assessment’s administration until instructed to do so by the assessment proctor; and
(6) Assessment submission is verified by the virtual school or program.