Archives: Ted Lafferty / Articles
Archives: Ted Lafferty / Articles
2016’s Best and Worst State of the State Addresses
In 2016, 44 governors delivered State of the State or similar addresses, and among them were many proposals to confront tight budgets and improve economic performance in the states.
Victory for Taxpayers in Pennsylvania Budget
Pennsylvania taxpayers were victorious in April, as the commonwealth completed the last part of its 2015-2016 budget. Governor Tom Wolf allowed the fiscal code bill to go into effect, marking…
Governor Bevin Calls for Responsible Spending in New Budget
Newly elected Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin used his State of the Commonwealth Budget Address to challenge Kentucky to do better in terms of responsible budgeting and be “the best version…
Eighth Rich States, Poor States Report Shows Americans Fleeing High-Tax States
The balance of economic and political power is shifting in America. According to the Center for State Fiscal Reform’s new Rich States, Poor States report, Americans are fleeing high-tax…
Budget Debate Highlights Pennsylvania’s Need for Fundamental Tax and Pension Reform
Despite very different opinions on how to fix the budget, Pennsylvania legislators and the governor have agreed on something: there is a $1.2 billion budget shortfall. In the words…
Jonathan Williams Discusses Pennsylvania’s Competitiveness on PMA Perspective
Jonathan Williams Discusses Pennsylvania’s Competitiveness on PMA Perspective On Sunday night, Vice President for the Center for State Fiscal Reform, Jonathan Williams, joined Carl Marrara of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association…
New Report Reviews Governors’ State-of-the-State Addresses
Today, the Center for State Fiscal Reform released a new report on the tax and fiscal policy proposals of the 50 state governors in their state-of-the-state addresses. State of…
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Maryland Double Taxation Unconstitutional
Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court decided in a 5-4 decision that Maryland residents cannot be taxed twice on money they earn from out-of-state. The Center for State Fiscal Reform…
Colorado Attorney General Appeals TABOR Challenge to U.S. Supreme Court
A few weeks ago the Attorney General of Colorado, John Suthers, asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case challenging the constitutionality of Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR).
Maryland Seeks Power to Double Tax Income
This appeared on October 10, 2014 While it may seem unfair to pay income taxes twice, Maryland residents have been doing so for years. That’s because unlike…