Support the American Legislative Exchange Council
The American Legislative Exchange Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. IRS Tax Code # 52-0140979.
The American Legislative Exchange Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. IRS Tax Code # 52-0140979.
Your ongoing support ensures ALEC can continue to educate state legislators and share state policy analysis. Download the Reagan Club pamphlet to learn about giving levels, recognitions and premiums that match any giving capacity.
Robert M. Weekley Legacy Society donors have chosen to remember ALEC in planned, legacy giving. In doing so, this select group of supporters make a lasting commitment to freedom and liberty. Download the Legacy Society pamphlet to learn more and begin a discussion with an ALEC development officer.
If you have any questions about your gift, or to make a donation via mail instead, please do not hesitate to contact an ALEC development officer.