Tag: 2015 Annual Meeting
Tag: 2015 Annual Meeting
Resolution on the Importance of International Intellectual Property Rights Protections
WHEREAS, America’s Founding Fathers thought protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) was so important that they enshrined it in the U.S. Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Clause 8; and…
K-12 Efficiency Commission
Model Policy Section 1. (a) The K-12 Efficiency Commission shall be composed of nine voting members as follows: (1) (A) Six at-large members appointed as follows: Two shall be appointed…
Resolution on Federal Maintenance of Effort Requirements
WHEREAS, maintenance of effort requirements contained in federal cost sharing programs, grants and regulatory agreements with [insert state] restrict state legislators’ ability to appropriate state funds and set regulatory policy;…
Resolution Concerning Special Markets for Direct Solar Power Sales
WHEREAS, the solar power industry is pressuring the states to create special markets allowing the solar power industry to sell electricity directly to consumers; and WHEREAS, utilities already purchase and…
Regulating Containers to Protect Business and Consumer Choice
Section 1. {Title} This resolution may be cited as the Regulating Containers to Protect Businesses and Consumer’s Choice Resolution. Section 2. {Definitions} (A) Defines “containers” as: reusable bags, disposable…
Environmental Impact Litigation Act
Section 1. {Environmental Impact litigation advisory committee.} The environmental impact litigation advisory committee shall consist of: The Commissioner of Agriculture, who shall serve as chairman; The Governor or the…
Tax Reduction Fund
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This act shall be known as the {chosen state tax} Tax Reduction Fund Section 2. {Definition} (a) The {chosen state tax} tax reduction fund is a special…
An ACT to prohibit state agencies from obligating the state to federal maintenance of effort requirements
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This act shall be known as An ACT to prohibit state agencies from obligating [insert state] to federal maintenance of effort requirements Section 2. It is…
Application for a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution of the United States
WHEREAS, the Founders of our Constitution empowered State Legislators to be guardians of liberty against future abuses of power by the federal government; and WHEREAS, the federal government has created…
State Power Accountability and Reliability Charter (SPARC)
Whereas Statements WHEREAS, a reliable and affordable electricity supply is vital to the nation’s and each state’s economic growth, maintenance of environmental quality, and the overall well-being of its citizens;…
Resolution Urging Congress to Eliminate Discriminatory State and Local Taxes on Automobile Renters
Model Resolution WHEREAS, since 1976, 43 states and the District of Columbia have enacted more than 100 car rental excise taxes, which are beyond typical sales taxes, resulting in car rental…
Resolution Supporting and Deepening the Strategic Partnership between the United States of America and the Republic of Azerbaijan
WHEREAS, the Republic of Azerbaijan restored its independence in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, proclaiming itself the heir to the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which, established in 1918,…
Resolution on the Tax and Fiscal Effects of Medicaid Expansion
Resolution WHEREAS, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) permit states to voluntarily opt in to Medicaid expansion, which extends taxpayer-funded health benefits to able-bodied, working-age, largely childless adults earning up to…
Resolution on Diversion of Low-Level Drug Possession Offenders
WHEREAS, approximately 100,000 inmates are confined in state prisons for drug possession offenses at an average cost of more than $20,000 per year; and, WHEREAS, many prisons lack drug treatment…
Resolution in Support of Pension Reform Bridge Funding and Compliant OPEB Liability Funding
Whereas, State, County and Municipal Governments have accrued trillions of dollars in unfunded Pension and OPEB Post-Retirement Benefit Liabilities over the course of many decades. Whereas, these unfunded Pension and…
Public Charter School Authorizing and Accountability Act
Summary The purpose of this legislation is to establish the procedure for authorizing public charter schools by creating the State Public Charter School Commission while also creating an accountability mechanism…
Resolution on Cord and Placenta Blood Banking and Research
WHEREAS, Research continues to show umbilical cord blood and placenta-derived stem cells as vehicles for potential treatments of some life-threatening conditions; and WHEREAS, Stem cells obtained from umbilical cord blood and placenta…
Independent Contractor Definition Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Short Title.} This Act shall be known as the Independent Contractor Definition Act. Section 2. {Legislative Declarations.} (A) Simplifying the rules with respect to independent contractors…
Travel Agent Tax Fairness Act
Section 1. {Title} This Act may be cited as the “Travel Agent Tax Fairness Act.” Section 2. {Legislative Findings} The Legislature finds that: (A) Travel agents and online travel companies…
Model State Bill Prohibiting Wireless Handsets in Prisons
Model State Bill Prohibiting Wireless Handsets in Prisons* SEC. xx. PROVIDING OR POSSESSING WIRELESS HANDSETS IN PRISONS. Chapter __ of title __, Revised Statutes of [State] [prohibiting the provision or…