Tag: Article V models
Tag: Article V models
No Runaway Article V Conventions Act
Model Policy “Article V Conventions” mean either a “Convention for proposing Amendments” or a “State Ratification Convention” as expressly provided in Article V of the Constitution of the United States…
Omnibus Concurrent Resolution
____ Congress __ Session __.Con.Res.___ Be it resolved by the _________ of the United States of America (the ____ Concurring) in Congress Assembled, Section 1. Omnibus Concurrent Resolution…
Compact for America: Balanced Budget Amendment
REFERENCE TITLE: ___________________ State of ___________ (Introducing ________) _________ Legislature __________ Session 20___ __. B. ____ Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of _____________:…
What Happens If 34 States Submit Article V Applications and No One Is Counting?
Article V of the U.S. Constitution establishes a procedure for states to propose constitutional amendments in much the same way that Congress does. Our Founding Fathers included this mechanism to…
Professor Rob Natelson Discusses Article V on Colorado Public Television
Last month, Rob Natelson, member of the ALEC Board of Scholars and author of the ALEC Article V Handbook, appeared on “Devil’s Advocate,” a Colorado Public Television program. “Devil’s…
Second Annual Center to Restore the Balance of Government Article V Event Showcased Bipartisanship and the Crucial Role of the States
The Center to Restore the Balance of Government celebrated its first anniversary with a fascinating discussion on the Hill that showcased Article V as a nonpartisan tool that states can…
Model Application under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to Propose a Congressional Term Limits Amendment
Section 1. The legislature of [INSERT STATE NAME] hereby makes an application to Congress, as provided by Article V of the Constitution of the United States of America, to call…
Draft Memorial in Support of the Article V Records Transparency Act of 2016
WHEREAS, Article V of the U.S. Constitution establishes a procedure for states to propose constitutional amendments; and, WHEREAS, our Founding Fathers included this mechanism to maintain the originally-intended balance of…
Rules for an Article V Convention for Proposing Amendments
Whereas, Article V of the Constitution of the United States provides that upon the application of two-thirds of the several states, Congress shall convene a convention to propose amendments to…
Constitutional Amendment Requiring State Approval for Increases in Federal Debt
Whereas, Article V of the Constitution of the United States provides authority for a Convention to be called by the Congress of the United States for the purpose of proposing…
Resolution Calling for a Federal Balanced Budget Amendment
{Title, enacting clause, etc.} A RESOLUTION, for the purpose of petitioning the Congress of the United States to adopt an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, for submission to…
Balanced Budget Amendment Advanced by Compact
Section 1. Total outlays of the government of the United States shall not exceed total receipts of the government of the United States at any point in time unless the…
Application for a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution of the United States
WHEREAS, the Founders of our Constitution empowered State Legislators to be guardians of liberty against future abuses of power by the federal government; and WHEREAS, the federal government has created…
Balanced Budget Amendment Policy
{Title, enacting clause, etc.} For a Convention to Propose a Balanced Budget Amendment Be it resolved by the legislature of the State of {insert name}: Section 1.