Tag: Civil Justice Task Force
Tag: Civil Justice Task Force
Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act
Section 1. Short Title This Act may be known and cited as the Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act. Section 2. Testimony by Expert Witnesses {FRE 702} A witness who…
Testimony on Donor Disclosure in Pennsylvania
Jonathon Hauenschild, Director of the Communications & Technology Task Force, as well as a co-author of the amicus brief filed in the AFP v. Baccera Supreme Court case, testifies before…
Civil Justice Task Force: Policy Prescriptions to Address Economic and Health Care Challenges in the Face of COVID-19
The Civil Justice Task Force presents potential public policy prescriptions on issues pertaining to civil justice during this COVID-19 pandemic. Resolving Potential Court Backlogs Several courts throughout the country have…
Oklahoma Named Judicial Hellhole Mid-Year
In an atypical summer addition to the annual Judicial Hellholes list, Oklahoma takes a place among perennial problematic lawsuit havens like California, Florida, Missouri and New York. Motivating the…
Whistleblower Immunity Act
Summary The purpose of this Act is to encourage the exposure of negligent health care providers. This Act limits liability for certain information and safeguards the confidentiality of individuals who…
Resolution on Protective Orders
WHEREAS, proposals have been put forth in a number of state legislatures that would make it extremely difficult to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information (e.g., trade…
Statement of Principles on Philanthropic Freedom
Statement of Principles on Philanthropic Freedom Philanthropy exemplifies the American ideal of private action in the public interest, demonstrating our faith in the capacity of individual citizens not…
Statement of Principles for Model State Laws to Encourage Philanthropic Creation and Operation
Philanthropy exemplifies the American ideal of private action in the public interest, demonstrating our faith in the capacity of individual citizens not only to create wealth, but also – voluntarily…
Regulatory Compliance Congruity with Liability Act
Regulatory Compliance Congruity with Liability Act Summary State legislatures and Congress have charged certain government agencies with ensuring that products are…
Quality Education and Teacher and Principal Protection Act
Section 1. {Title} This act may be known as the “Quality Education and Teacher and Principal Protection Act.” Section 2. {Legislative findings} The Legislature finds that ensuring the quality of…
Product Liability Act
Product Liability Act Summary The Model Product Liability Act (“Model PLA”) provides legislators with core product liability provisions reflecting the best…
Rational Use of a Product Act
Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Title.} This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Rational Use of a Product Act. Section 2. {Misuse of…
Litigation Accountability Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Litigation Accountability Act. Section 2. {Definitions} The following words, as used in this Act,…
Jury Patriotism Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Short Title} This Act shall be known and may be cited as the [Jury Patriotism Act]. Section 2. {Full Participation on Petit Juries…
Legal Consumer’s Bill of Rights Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This Act shall be called and may be cited as the “[Legal Consumer’s Bill of Rights Act]”. Section…
Class Actions Improvements Act
Class Actions Improvements Act Summary This Act makes several revisions to the basic class action statute or rule that has been adopted in some form by…
Three (Quick!) Lessons for Legislators about Commercial Speech
Proceed with caution when limiting or compelling commercial speech, the Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) warns. “Government legislators and regulators should think long and hard before using any speech restraint or…
Fair Share Act
Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Fair Share Act; abolishing joint and several liability and providing for allocation of responsibility. Section 1. {Several liability.} (A) In any civil action based…
Full & Fair Noneconomic Damages Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This Act shall be called and may be cited as the “Full and Fair Noneconomic Damages Act.” Section 2. {Findings} (A) The…
Asbestos Claims Transparency Act
Asbestos Claims Transparency Act Model Policy Title __ of the [ ] Code is amended by adding Chapter ___ to read…