Tag: ESA
Tag: ESA
The “Magic Moment” For Education Freedom: Jonathan Williams on The American Radio Journal
On this “States of Play” episode on American Radio Journal, ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist Jonathan Williams discusses the ongoing steps for education freedom and…
States Win Big in Recent Victories for Education Freedom: ALEC on Just the News TV
ALEC Education and Workforce Development Task Force Director Andrew Handel joined hosts John Solomon and Amanda Head on Just the News to talk about a pair of victories in West…
Changing Lives Across Multiple Measures: School Choice Delivers By Metrics of Parents and Regulators
A new meta-analysis of studies done on the academic achievement of students in school choice programs shows that empowering parents to choose, delivers across multiple assessment metrics.
New Report Examines Three Innovative Parent Tools to Optimize the Potential of Education Savings Accounts
Education savings accounts have the potential to rewire the entire education system around new decision-makers: parents.
The 21st Century Education Savings Accounts
School choice programs, from charter schools to voucher and tax credit scholarship programs, enjoy bipartisan support and are growing quickly across a majority of states. However, not all school choice…
Education and Workforce Director Testifies in Missouri about Education Savings Accounts
Putting parents back in charge of the direction of their children’s educations allows parents not only to send their students to the schools – public or private – that work best for them, but to actually design customized and flexible education experiences, including tuition, online classes, curricula, textbooks and workbooks, tutoring, and special education therapies, that are as varied as the children themselves. Instead of feeding a child into a system that must, necessarily, be designed around the “average” student, through an ESA program, parents can and have constructed individualized education pathways for their children which capitalize on their unique strengths and shore up their particular weaknesses. But although they are cutting-edge, ESAs are not brand-new or unstudied. As of today, five states – Arizona, Florida, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Nevada – have passed education savings account programs. If 2011 was labeled the “Year of School Choice”[i] by the Wall Street Journal, 2016 is likely to be the “Year of Education Savings Accounts.”