Tag: Google
Tag: Google
YouTube is Still a Private Platform, Prager University
If someone names his boat a rose, does the boat become a flower? If the manufacturer of the boat calls it a rose, is the boat a flower? Most people…
Crying “Privacy” is Not Enough to Support a Lawsuit
A judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois handed down a decision that may impact future state, or even federal, privacy legislation. Through the…
Player Beware: Pokemon Go Can Place Your Personal Data at Risk
With great popularity comes great responsibility. Niantic and Nintendo have created an instantly successful smart phone app. With that instant success, though, comes significant risks, especially with the data Niantic…
The European Vision of Competition versus the American Vision of Competition in the Technology Space
The European Commission recently filed antitrust charges against Google. These charges illustrate the completely different approaches to technology, innovation and “competition policy” employed in Europe and the United States. They…
Senators Threaten to Eradicate Device and End-to-End Encryption
The end of encryption as we know it is near if Senators Diane Feinstein and Richard Burr have their way. The two senators have been circulating proposed legislation, entitled…