Tag: janus

Tag: janus (page 2)

  • Resolution to Support State Efforts to Protect Secret Ballot Elections image

    Resolution to Support State Efforts to Protect Secret Ballot Elections

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, the right to private, secret-ballot elections is a cornerstone of American democracy; WHEREAS, private, secret-ballot elections are the most fair, reliable, and democratic expression of the decision…

  • Union Financial Responsibility Act image

    Union Financial Responsibility Act

    Union Financial Responsibility Act Summary The power of workers to make sound decisions concerning their careers, workplace choices, workplace representation, and other areas of importance hinges on a worker’s…

  • Employee Secret Ballot Protection Act image

    Employee Secret Ballot Protection Act

    Model Policy [Note: If this model language is used in a state that does not allow public-sector collective bargaining, references to government agencies in Sections 3(B), 3(D), and 12(A) should…