Tag: Justice Performance Project Task Force
Tag: Justice Performance Project Task Force (page 2)
Resolution on the Release of Inmates Directly from Solitary Confinement
Model Resolution WHEREAS, tens of thousands of prison inmates in the U.S. are in solitary confinement; WHEREAS, thousands of inmates are released every year directly from solitary confinement to the…
DNA Profiling Act
Model Legislation {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Title.} This Act may be cited as the DNA Profiling Act. Section 2. {DNA testing requirements.} (A) Any person who is convicted of…
Unlawful Release of a Minor’s Identifying Information
Unlawful Release of a Minor’s Identifying Information Section 1. {Title} This Act may be cited as the Unlawful Release of a Minor’s Identifying Information. Section 2. {Definitions} (A)…
Resolution In Support Of The Second Chance Act
WHEREAS, more and more people are being released from prison and jail in the US every year. More than 1.2 million Americans are serving time in prison and at least…
The Reporting of Seizure and Forfeiture Act
Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Purpose.} Under state and federal forfeiture laws, state law enforcement agencies can seize money, vehicles, and other property, have them sold and…
Justice Safety Valve Act
Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} {Section 1.} Title. This Act shall be known as the Justice Safety Valve Act. {Section 2.} Sentencing. (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law,…
Juvenile Offender Performance Incentive Funding Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Intent} (A) The provisions of this act are intended to reduce recidivism rates in juvenile offenders, while decreasing juvenile correctional costs, by giving…
Resolution in Support of Evidence-based Medical Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Model Resolution WHEREAS, state spending on corrections has grown faster than almost any other budget item for over the past 30 years, reaching nearly $71 billion dollars[iv]; and the number…
Child Protection Reporting Requirement Act
Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Title.} This Act may be cited as the “Child Protection Reporting Requirement Act.” Section 2. {Reporting of Abuse or Neglect – By…
Resolution on Transparency and Accountability in Criminal Law – SNPS 2016 EDITS IN PDF VERSION
Model Resolution WHEREAS, the number and breadth of criminal laws has grown dramatically in recent years at the federal level and in many states; and WHEREAS, there are now nearly 5,000 federal…
Asset Forfeiture Process and Private Property Protection Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This act may be cited as the “Asset Forfeiture Process and Private Property Protection Act” Section 2. {Definitions} As used in this Act: (A) “Abandoned property”…