Tag: School Choice
Tag: School Choice
ALEC in Deseret News: Implications of Supreme Court’s Ruling in Carson v. Makin are Huge
Andrew Handel, ALEC Education and Workforce Development Task Force Director, was recently featured in the Deseret News speaking about education freedom as it relates to the Supreme Court’s…
Texas Rep. Brian Harrison on Hugh Hewitt Show: Parents Want to Free their Children from Failing Schools
Nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt broadcast live from the ALEC 49th Annual Meeting in Atlanta and highlighted some of the education freedom reforms ALEC members have been leading across…
ALEC TV: Empowering families with freedom to choose best education for their kids.
The American Federation for Children (AFC) attended the 49th ALEC Annual Meeting to educate state and local lawmakers about how to empower families with the freedom to choose the best…
Report Card on American Education: 23rd Edition
For an online comparison tool, custom report cards and state education reports, visit www.ALECReportCard.org…
When the Public School System Prioritizes Control Instead of Children
School choice has improved personalized learning opportunities, but often overlooked is access to public school sports and extracurricular activities. While equal access laws allow homeschoolers to participate in…
Schools Should Prioritize Great Teachers over Bureaucratic Bloat
What makes a great teacher? Whether it’s the history teacher who gives students a vivid window into the past or the quirky geometry teacher who practically worships Pythagoras, great teachers…
New Report: Families See Improved School Choice in 2017 AZ, FL and IN remain top performers; NV slips in rankings
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nicole Murphy, nmurphy@alec.org, 858.205.5432 Arlington, VA —The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) today released the 22nd annual…
Report Card on American Education: 22nd Edition
For an online comparison tool, custom report cards and state education reports, visit www.ALECReportCard.org…
Give Military Families School Choice
On Monday, November 13, I moderated a discussion at The Heritage Foundation about how Americans can provide education choice to the families of military men and women, and what those…
SCOTUS Decision in Trinity Lutheran Sets the Stage for Expanded School Choice
Trinity Lutheran has the potential to set the stage for an even brighter future for education reform in the United States.
Annual Meeting Speaker Announcement: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos
ALEC is excited to announce that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will be joining us for our 44th Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
President Trump Signs Executive Order Directing Department of Education to Review Regulation and Return Control to States
On Wednesday, President Trump issued an Executive Order directing the Department of Education to review all of its programs and regulations relating to the three major federal education laws for compliance with principles of federalism and local control over education.
The Case for School Choice
ALEC released the 21st edition of the Education Report Card on American Education which ranks states on their K-12 education and policy performance. Inez Feltscher Stepman, Director of the Education…
Rebecca Friedrichs: Why Good Teachers Want School Choice
Just in time for School Choice Week, Rebecca Friedrichs, a California public school teacher, partnered with Prager University to produce a short video describing why school choice programs lead…
Celebrating Educational Choice Across the Country During School Choice Week
Educational choice programs are in the spotlight this week as National School Choice Week kicks off over 21,000 events across the country, involving more than six million parents, students, educators,…
DeVos Should Stand Proud of Record Championing Choice in Education
At her hearing on January 17, Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos is likely to field hostile questions from some Senators about her advocacy for educational choice. In what many…
The Pernicious Myth of the Underfunded American Education System
The myth that education is underfunded in the United States, where per-pupil spending is higher than most of the countries that outperform it on the PISA exam, is both wrongheaded…
Educational Choice in 2016
Two new school choice programs were passed during the 2016 state legislative sessions: a voucher program in Maryland and a tax credit scholarship in South Dakota. Neither state had any…
EdChoice Survey: Most Lawmakers Support School Choice
In September, EdChoice, formerly known as the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, released the results of a survey questioning state legislators about their views on various aspects of education…
Documentary Showcases Decades of Failure in Bureau of Indian Education Schools – And Points to Education Savings Accounts as the Solution
On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs passed the Native American Education Opportunity Act (NAEO) out of committee. Senator John McCain of Arizona is hoping to expand educational…