Tag: state pension funds
Tag: state pension funds
ALEC on NTD News: Our 401Ks are quickly becoming 201Ks
It is being weaponized and no matter how you define it, you ask 100 people on the street I think you get 100 different answers for what ESG actually means. Consider the state of Maine, which became the first state in America to divest all of its asset holdings as a state, including its pension holdings, from all fossil fuel related companies. And you can imagine the kind of detrimental impact that has in a year like this when the market has plummeted our 401 k's are quickly turning into 201 Ks.
ALEC in The American Conservative: State Pension Funds Gamble Workers’ Retirement On ESG
“If individuals believe in the cause of however they define ESG and they want to spend their own money and sacrifice their own returns and pay higher fees, God bless them,” Williams said. “But don’t put that on the backs of state workers and pensioners that are relying on those checks in retirement.”
ALEC on NTD News: Politically motivated investment schemes hurt retirees
ALEC Chief Economist Jonathan Williams was recently featured on NTD News talking about ALEC’s newest model policy STATE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PROTECTION ACT. Host Paul Greaney: The American Legislative Exchange…
New ALEC Model Policy Protects Retirees from Politically Motivated Investment Schemes
Arlington, Va. – The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) today released new model policy today, the State Government Employee Retirement Protection Act. This model strengthens fiduciary rules to protect…