Tag: Strengthening Economic and Strategic Partnerships
Tag: Strengthening Economic and Strategic Partnerships
One Year Later, ALEC Support for Israel Grows Stronger
Much has changed as we solemnly mark the first anniversary of the savage October 7 Hamas attack. That attack resulted in more Jews killed in a single day than at…
Resolution to Affirm Support for Israel and to Condemn Hamas
WHEREAS, Hamas was founded with the stated goal of destroying the State of Israel and has been designated by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization; and WHEREAS, the…
Act to Prohibit State Procurement of Electric Vehicles with Forced Labor Components
AN ACT relating to government procurement of electric vehicles; prohibiting government contracts procuring electric vehicles that may have been made through forced labor; setting remedies and penalties for manufacturers; and…
Resolution Supporting Taiwan’s Meaningful Participation in International Organizations Including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Interpol
WHEREAS, Taiwan, with a population of 23.57 million has: a dynamic and growing economy that produces many of the items necessary for 21st century life, a strong innovation culture, the…
Resolution in Support of Deepening Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Republic of Moldova
WHEREAS U.S. assistance in Moldova works to strengthen democratic institutions, increase economic prosperity, secure the country’s recognized borders, and to assist Moldova to become a full partner in the European…
Resolution Commending This State’s and the United States’ Cordial and Mutually Beneficial Relationship with the Nation of Israel
WHEREAS, the legal basis for the establishment of the modern State of Israel was a binding act of international law established in the San Remo Resolution, which was unanimously adopted…
Resolution Urging the United States to Invite Taiwan to Join the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
WHEREAS the economy of Taiwan is one of the strongest and wealthiest in the Indo-Pacific region with a gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately $660 billion in 2021; and WHEREAS…
Resolution to Prioritize Strengthening the U.S.-Taiwan Partnership to Enhance Global Supply Chain Security and Resilience
WHEREAS, there is near universal consensus among American policy makers on both sides of the aisle that the United States needs to assess and reduce supply chain vulnerabilities; and WHEREAS,…