Tag: Sunshine Week
Tag: Sunshine Week
Sunshine Needed to Oust Phantom Lawsuit Damages
Lawsuit awards are often arrived at with misleading evidence. A little sunshine can help the jury award fair recovery free of phantom damages. Following a doctor’s visit, most people receive…
Keeping State Governments Open and Accountable to Taxpayers
“We might hope to see the finances of the Union as clear and intelligible as a merchant’s books, so that every member of Congress and every man of any mind…
Three Things You Need to Know about Transparency in Higher Education
Sunshine Week provides an ideal opportunity to call for transparency in a sector that rarely demonstrates any: higher education. Â Transparency is essential to harnessing consumer choice to reduce costs and…
Transparency Critical to Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform
Civil asset forfeiture abuses in various states throughout the country are well-documented. There are several instances where individuals have seen their property seized by the state or federal government, despite…
Sunshine Week: Disclosure of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition Act
During the first part of the 21st century, some of the greatest examples of American ingenuity and achievement took place in and around the oil and gas patches across the…
A National Race to Government Transparency
As Treasurer of Ohio, I believe taxpayers have a right to know how their tax dollars are being spent. So in December 2014, I launched OhioCheckbook.com which for the first time in Ohio history puts every single state expenditure online.
What do you think about transparency in your state?
Fill out the questions below to share what you think about transparency in your state. …
Sunshine Week Spotlight: Public Employee Bargaining Transparency Act
Government transparency is absolutely critical for government accountability. The government that works best is the government that is accountable to the people. But, there can only be accountability when the…
ALEC Principles Shine Light on Government Failures
Sunshine Week, running from March 13 to 19, aims to promote transparency in government, which is a fundamental component of the ALEC principles of limited government, free markets and federalism. The private sector can offer superior alternatives to failing public schools, overly complex healthcare services and expensive infrastructure projects. When government services are transferred to the free market, private companies deliver high-quality public services at far less cost to the taxpayer.