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In the News

School Choice in Iowa Puts Students First: Lisa B. Nelson & John Wills in the Des Moines Register

ALEC CEO Lisa B. Nelson recently co-authored an op-ed with ALEC Board Member and Iowa House Speaker Pro Tempore John Wills for the Des Moines Register…
Lisa B. Nelson & Speaker Pro Tempore John Wills
In the News

The Historic Failure of Price Controls: Jonathan Williams on American Radio Journal

As inflation steadily undermines the American family’s ability to afford basic necessities like food, housing and transportation, the specter of an antiquated, discredited policy idea is reemerging with alarming frequency. At first glance, government-imposed price…
Jonathan Williams
Homeland Security

Every State is a Border State: Legislators Share Experience from the Southern Border

Denver, CO – “Every state is a border state.” That was the message Texas State Senator Phil King and a delegation of legislators shared at the 51st ALEC Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. Taking the…
Lars Dalseide
Southern Border

New Hampshire Rep. Jeanine Notter on ALEC TV

At the 51st ALEC Annual Meeting, New Hampshire State Representative Jeanine Notter, who also serves as an ALEC state chair, sat down for an interview with ALEC TV. She detailed the numerous challenges in her…
Chandler Averette
