ALEC on Hugh Hewitt Show: AZ Education Empowerment Bill Could Change America
This is about choice. This is about parents deciding what's best for their kids.
Nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt broadcast live from the ALEC 49th Annual Meeting in Atlanta and highlighted Arizona’s recently adopted education reform bill which is among the most expanisve school choice legislation in American history. Below are highlights from the conversation between Hugh Hewitt and Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, the ALEC National Chairwoman.
Hugh Hewitt: I want to ask you one thing. The education bill that you passed is a revolution. It is going to change everything in America. Will you tell people about what it does, how it works? I think it is the most important thing that happened in policy in America this year.
President Karen Fann: Thank you. We call it the Universal Empowerment Scholarship. This is about choice. This is about parents deciding what’s best for their kids. We understand that there are a lot of really great options out there. Some people have great public schools like in my area. But that’s not everyone. It’s just such a wide variety. In Arizona we spend about $14,000 per student right now. We also just added another billion dollars to education.
Hugh Hewitt: Are you getting any pushback from people?
Karen Fann: Yes. We always have people who say this is public monies. First of all, it’s not public. It’s taxpayer money. So why should anyone be forced to send their child to a failing school? How fair is that? Competition always brings out the best. Rich people have money so they can afford to send their kids wherever they want. It is the single parent who has the two little girls who needs options.
Hugh Hewitt: Now Democrats are fighting all over the country to keep minority children locked in failing public schools.
Watch the full interview here: