Tax Reform

Jonathan Williams Talks Tax Reform on I Spy Radio

Jonathan Williams, Vice President of the ALEC Center for State Fiscal Reform, spoke with Dr. Mark Anderson on I Spy Radio in Oregon regarding the recently released full eighth edition of Rich States, Poor States ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness IndexJonathan and Mark discuss policy solutions that can spark state economic growth.

Hardworking taxpayers continue to vote with their feet toward states that offer a pro-growth environment. States with competitive tax rates and responsible budgeting provide the best economic climate for taxpayers to start businesses and create jobs. On the other hand, states with high taxes provide plenty of fiscal headaches for hardworking taxpayers, causing many of them to leave in search of better opportunities elsewhere.

 As Jonathan and Mark discuss on the show, free market policies help states to become magnets for new jobs and residents. In contrast, tax and spend policies – such as massive tax hikes – are huge obstacles to state economic growth. Jonathan and Mark discuss how pro-growth reforms, such as taxes with broad bases and competitive rates, create an environment for all businesses to compete and invest.

To learn more, listen to the full interview below:

In Depth: Tax Reform

Mainstream economists, small business owners and taxpayers across the country understand that growth-oriented reforms mean increased opportunity for all. As demonstrated by the annual Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index, sound tax and fiscal policies are critical to economic health, allowing businesses and households to flourish. A…

+ Tax Reform In Depth