
Listen Here: ALEC Legislators and Businesses Discuss COVID-19 Responses

ALEC hosted a legislator discussion today to address how COVID-19 is affecting small businesses and how small businesses can best navigate the recent support packages offered to them. ALEC is regularly a convening force, bringing together experts and state legislators. The discussion was done virtually to ensure safety and social distancing. Listen to the call if you couldn’t join us and be sure to share it with your fellow colleagues.

Speakers included:

  • ALEC Chairman and MS Speaker Philip Gunn
  • ALEC Chief Economist Jonathan Williams
  • National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) Senior Director of Government Relations Kevin Kuhlman
  • Job Creators Network (JCN) President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz

Listen Here:

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And for more audio resources on COVID-19 like this, follow this regularly updated ALEC playlist.

In Depth: Business

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