State Legislator of the Month – KY Representative Sal Santoro
Thank you, Rep. Sal Santoro
For the month of May, we are pleased to announce Kentucky Representative Sal Santoro as the ALEC-FreedomWorks State Legislator of the Month. This award is used to highlight substantive state policy successes by State Legislators – bringing their local story to a national platform. The FreedomWorks network of activists is second to none in supporting the efforts of liberty-loving state legislators.
During the pandemic, state legislatures quickly responded to aid residents and businesses. In Kentucky, Representative Santoro co-sponsored legislation exempting disaster response businesses and employees from state and local taxes. It also exempts certain businesses and employees from licensing and permitting requirements.
These measures are similar to the ALEC model policy, “Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State Declared Disaster Act,” which is featured as one of ALEC’s 30 policy prescriptions to address COVID-19. Representative Santoro’s co-sponsored legislation and the ALEC model policy promote private sector participation in helping Americans weather emergency situations like the current pandemic.
Thank you, Representative Santoro, for protecting individual liberty and free enterprise in the states. Congratulations on being the newest ALEC-FreedomWorks State Legislator of the Month.