State Legislator of the Month – MI Rep. Brandt Iden
It is often said that states are the laboratories of democracy. But they also compete with one another to get individuals in their state for business, for tourism, and even for gambling. More people in the state means more prosperity for everyone in the state.
But if a state denies something a neighboring state allows, what’s to stop someone from just taking their car or taking a taxi and crossing the state border? Not much. What’s worse is that the individual might find it more comfortable in the neighboring state and decide to set up shop there for good. The ALEC Publication, Rich States, Poor States, illustrates the effect of fiscal policy on human behavior to move from one state to another. For at least one Michigan State Legislator, this is his worry.
Michigan State Representative Brandt Iden sees examples from other states, like New Jersey, where this is happening. He is fighting right now to make sure Michigan doesn’t lose any people to other states due to high sports betting taxes. Many in Michigan are calling for high taxes on internet and sports betting. Rep. Iden smartly supports a limited tax at roughly 8% while some support a tax in the upwards of 40%. A lower tax – something far less than 40% – strikes the right balance between government tax revenue and allowing individual freedom to flourish in the great state of Michigan. This sort of policy invites hardworking taxpayers into the state, instead of scaring them to a competing state.
Thank you, Representative Iden for setting your priorities straight and keeping a plan of action in place for Michigan taxpayers. For his work, ALEC and FreedomWorks name Representative Brandt Iden as the August State Legislator of the Month.