State Budgets

The Williams Report


Huffington Post Bob Williams column: How to address states’ budget deficits: performance-outcome budgeting


Alabama: Lawmakers pass Alabama state budget

Arizona:  Governor signs $9.8 billion state budget

California: Jerry Brown’s Budget Adds $2.5 Billion in New Spending

Connecticut:  Governor orders immediate cuts to balance current state budget

Florida: Lawmakers approve state budget.

Iowa: Governor approves $7.2 billion state budget

Maine: Research and Commentary: Maine Millionaire Tax Is A Poor Choice to Fund Education

Michigan: Republican Leadership Leaving Wiggle Room in Budget for Tax Cuts
“There’s a trend among budget proposals coming out of House and Senate appropriations subcommittees: they’ve been lower than what Gov. Rick Snyder suggested, something leaders say could leave room for tax cuts.”

Minnesota: Republican legislators approve budget
Governor Dayton promises veto.

Nebraska: State budget passes after showdown over state spending

New Mexico: Governor calls for a special session to begin on May 24

North Carolina: Research and Commentary: North Carolina Should Not Expand Medicaid

Oklahoma: Budget Negotiations Break Down

Pennsylvania: Work remains to be done on state budget

Tennessee: Senate approves budget and sends it to Governor

Texas: Research and Commentary: Compact for a Balanced Budget in Texas
The Lone Star State recently passed a resolution calling for an Article V convention that would impose “fiscal restraints, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.”

Virginia: Budget Spat in Virginia between Governor and Republicans Escalates
Flaunting years of precedent, Democratic governor Terry McAuliffe issued an executive order directing his staff to abide by his version of the state budget, not the final one enrolled by the clerk of the state House.


California: California governor’s latest budget proposal doubles pension contribution to CalPERS
Aim of reducing CalPERS’ unfunded liabilities that have left the $318.9 billion pension fund 65% funded.

Illinois: Rep. Currie files ‘comprehensive’ pension bill in Illinois House

Michigan: Reforms to Michigan’s teacher pension system again under consideration
Republican lawmakers seek to reform the pension system, providing new teachers a 401(k) type of retirement plan.

Missouri: Missouri Legislature passes pension changes
Missouri public employees could soon be eligible for a pension sooner under a bill that has passed the Missouri Legislature.

New Jersey: Christie vetoes bill turning N.J. pensions over to unions
Balking at what he called a “blank check,” Gov. Chris Christie on Monday conditionally vetoed a bill that would have given police and firefighters control over the future of their $26 billion pension fund.

North Carolina: Public employee pension, health benefits phase-out debated
Employee groups and some senators raised questions about a Republican-backed proposal to phase out traditional pensions and free or discounted health care coverage for North Carolina government retirees.

In Depth: State Budgets

Smart budgeting is vital to a state’s financial health. The ALEC State Budget Reform Toolkit offers more than 20 policy ideas for addressing today’s shortfalls in a forthright manner, without resorting to budget gimmicks or damaging tax increases. One way to stabilize budgets over time is to embrace…

+ State Budgets In Depth