The Williams Report
Arizona: Large sales tax increase via ballot initiative proposed for teacher salaries and education funding.
California: California Senate Scraps $3 Billion Electric-Vehicle Subsidy Bill.
Connecticut: Malloy Proposes Sales, Restaurant Tax Increases, Restoring Some Municipal Aid.
Illinois: State’s budget mess hits University of Illinois as U.S. News ranking drops from 44th to 52nd.
Illinois: Vote to repeal Cook County soda tax delayed a month, as ad campaigns continue.
Iowa: State budget picture remains cloudy.
Kentucky: House Speaker Jeff Hoover announces bipartisan tax reform work group to begin after pension reforms.
Kentucky: State agencies must cut budgets by 17 percent to avoid $200 million shortfall, Governor Bevin says.
Montana: State seeks public comment on proposed budget cuts.
Pennsylvania: House passes budget that rejects Governor Wolf’s calls for tax increases.
South Dakota: Online Sales Tax Law Unconstitutional: South Dakota Supreme Court
Wisconsin: Governor Walker releases statement following State Assembly passage of state budget.
Connecticut: Governor Malloy pitches pension compromise.
Illinois: Illinois shorting pensions again.
Kentucky: Local governments face 50 to 60 percent increase in pension costs.