Thursday ALEC TV at the 46th Annual Meeting
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Shoshana Weissmann of R Street Institute
Rick Graber, Bradley Foundation
Jesse Kelley, R Street Institute
James Quintero, Texas Public Policy Foundation
Steve Murphy and Javier Pena, DEA Narcos
Robby Soave, reason Magazine
Bruce DD McRae, Shelby Emmett, and Aly
Michael Medved, The Michael Medved Show
Asa Swan, Chief Leadership Officer of Kentucky
Alan Graham of Community First! and Ellen Troxclair of TPPF
Georgia Representative Tim Barr and Aaron Gillham of ALEC
Missouri Representative Derek Grier on “Why ALEC Matters”
Tim Doescher, Heritage Foundation
Jonathan Williams, ALEC Chief Economist and VP
On SALT, One Year Later
On Rich States, Poor States
Salim Furth, Mercatus Center
James Broughel, Mercatus Center
Ian Adams, TechFreedom
Dr. Kevin Dayaratna, Heritage Foundation
Felicia Cucuru, Binti, Teneo Causes Venture
Wes Fisher, NAMA