Archives: State Budgets / Press Releases
Archives: State Budgets / Press Releases
ALEC Releases 23 New Model Policies from 50th Annual Meeting
Arlington, Va. – The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is proud to announce the release of 23 new model policies on vital issues facing the American public,…
New 50-State Rankings Showcase Economic Policies Attracting Individuals and Job Creators
ARLINGTON, Va. – Today, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) released the 16th edition of Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index, the annual report assessing each…
New Report Reveals Growing State Bonded Debt Burdens
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Alexis Jarrett New Report Reveals Growing State Bonded Debt Burdens Total state bonded obligations have grown by…
New Report: Most States Failing to Address Underfunded Health Benefits for Retired Public Employees
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Alexis Jarrett Email: New Report: Most States Failing to Address Underfunded Health Benefits for Retired Public Employees Unfunded…
New 2021 State Economic Competitiveness Rankings Reveal the Success Formula for Prosperity After COVID-19
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Alexis Jarrett Email: New 2021 State Economic Competitiveness Rankings Reveal the Success Formula for Prosperity After COVID-19 Utah…
Unfunded Liabilities in State Pension Plans Total Nearly $5 Trillion, Threatening Taxpayers Nationwide
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Alexis Jarrett Unfunded Liabilities in State Pension Plans Total Nearly $5 Trillion, Threatening Taxpayers Nationwide Public…
The States Applaud the New Presidential Budget Proposal
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dan Reynolds Email: The States Applaud the New Presidential Budget Proposal ARLINGTON, VA – (FEBRUARY 10, 2020) Today, President Donald Trump released his…
Unfunded Health Care Benefits for Retired Public Employees Leave States and Taxpayers at Risk
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dan Reynolds, ALEC Public Affairs Email: Phone: 571-782-5038 Unfunded Health Care Benefits for Retired Public Employees Leave States and Taxpayers…
ALEC Scholar Dr. Arthur Laffer Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Daniel Reynolds ALEC Scholar Dr. Arthur Laffer Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom Sound economics recognized by the President…
Rich States Attract More Residents, Poor States Make Them Leave
Contact: Dan Reynolds Rich States Attract Residents, Poor States Make Them Leave ARLINGTON, VA – (April 15, 2019) The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) releases today, Rich States,…
2018 State Economic Competitiveness Rankings Reveal Upward Standings tied to Federal Tax Reform
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Anna Tarnawski 973-879-2273 Arlington, VA (April 17, 2018) — The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) today released the much anticipated…
New Report Analyzes Governors’ Economic Policy Proposals
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Taylor McCarty 734-752-5646 New Report Analyzes Governors’ Economic Policy Proposals State of the State addresses reveal free market…
Annual Report Highlights Nine States That Cut Taxes in 2016
For Immediate Release Contact: Taylor McCarty 202-309-1274 Arlington, VA (March 1, 2017)—Nine states substantially cut taxes in the 2016 legislative session, according to a…