Resolution on Improving the US-Africa Partnership


This resolution recognizes that the United States should seize the opportunity to strengthen our partnerships with the nations of Africa, a strategy that will prove mutually beneficial for both regions.  The resolution calls for the creation of joint partnerships with African nations to assist in economic and infrastructure development and working with USAID, NGOs and the private sector to establish a working framework.  The goals of the resolution include helping African governments to create sustainable economies thus reducing their dependence on foreign aid and to strengthen US economic partnerships with African nations many of which are rich in resources and commodities.  Greater and smarter engagement will help Africa develop the institutions necessary for stability and economic growth and will ensure that US businesses will have access to this growing market.

Resolution on Improving the US-Africa Partnership

Model Resolution

Whereas, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was established to advance the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government and federalism; to conduct policy making programs that unite members of the public and private sectors in a dynamic partnership; as well as to support research, policy development, and dissemination activities that promote the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, which are necessary for a free society; and

Whereas, the United States has important economic and security interests in Africa, due to its strategic (location including proximity to a number of key international maritime straits) and due to its wealth of valuable natural resources; and

Whereas, the U.S. is being supplanted by other nations as a preferred partner and our influence in Africa has been waning; and

Whereas, other entities such as the Chinese government have made significant investments in African infrastructure development in exchange for preferential mining rights and access to African commodities; and

Whereas, commodities purchased by China are stockpiled and not being sold on the open market; and

Whereas, some economists have suggested that China is buying these commodities to help support the continued growth and expansion within China which has increased the demand for such commodities; and

Whereas, U.S. infrastructure development efforts in Africa have not been as effective as that of other nations; and

Whereas, increasing and enhancing public-private partnerships involving USAID and private sector entities could direct resources even more effectively toward infrastructure development in Africa; and

Whereas, such public-private partnerships would establish ground resources to transform capital into functional infrastructure in the African developing nations; and

Whereas, such dynamic public-private partnerships may increase economic opportunities for the next generation of Africans, helping African countries to become self-reliant and less dependent on aid; and

Whereas, these ventures would serve U.S. and African economic and security interests; and

Whereas, these projects will ensure that future global access to African resources and commodities will be unencumbered by price manipulation and resource stockpiling; and

Whereas, such public-private partnerships would be subject to strict government oversight to prevent misuse of funds;

Therefore be it resolved that the commonwealth/state of [INSERT STATE] supports the establishment of a joint public-private partnership in concert with the appropriate non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the ground in Africa and other entities in Africa charged with economic and infrastructure development;

Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States, the United States Secretary of State, USAID and Desk Officers for the African Union and to the leaders of various African governments who are looking and are interested in making their countries less dependent on aid and more reliant and self-sustainability.


Approved by the ALEC Board of Directors on January 28, 2013.

Reapproved by ALEC Board of Directors on November 16, 2017.