Tag: Overseas Initiatives

Tag: Overseas Initiatives

  • Resolution Opposing International Taxation Initiatives image

    Resolution Opposing International Taxation Initiatives

    WHEREAS, federal officials have been coordinating with other nations for the purpose of creating worldwide tax enforcement; and WHEREAS, UN officials have proposed a wide ranging Financial Transactions Tax (Tobin…

  • Resolution on Kimberley Process Reform image

    Resolution on Kimberley Process Reform

    Model Resolution Whereas, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was established to advance the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government and federalism; to conduct policy making programs that unite…

  • Resolution on Improving the US-Africa Partnership image

    Resolution on Improving the US-Africa Partnership

    Model Resolution Whereas, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was established to advance the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government and federalism; to conduct policy making programs that unite…

  • Resolution Providing Recommendation on UN Internet Oversight image

    Resolution Providing Recommendation on UN Internet Oversight

    Model Resolution Whereas, people around the world procure considerable benefit from free and open access to the Internet and the number of Internet users continues to rise, currently surpassing two…

  • Resolution Urging the European Union to Remove Its Ban on the Sale of Smokeless Tobacco image

    Resolution Urging the European Union to Remove Its Ban on the Sale of Smokeless Tobacco

    Resolution Urging the European Union to Remove Its Ban on the Sale of Smokeless Tobacco Whereas, Sweden is a member of the EU; and Whereas, the Four Freedoms: free…

  • Hard Science Resolution image

    Hard Science Resolution

     Hard Science Resolution Summary Free-market economies are the best method of ensuring quality products for consumers while providing goods at the lowest cost, but unnecessary regulations…