School Choice Directory Act


This legislation requires the state department of education to produce a catalogue of educational options available in the state.  The catalogue will provide a brief description of all educational choices for students in K-12 as they apply to the state, including (as applicable) open enrollment, charter schools, vouchers, education savings accounts, homeschooling, and tax credit scholarships.

School Choice Directory Act

Model Policy

{Title, enacting clause, etc.}

Section 1. {Definitions}

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

(A) Department” means the department of education.

(B) “Parent” means a resident of this state who is the parent or legal guardian of a qualified student.

Section 2. {Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of XXXX:}

(A) Notwithstanding any other law, the department shall produce a handbook of educational options available for parents of K-12 students and provide copies via regular mail to all state residents.

(1) The catalogue shall describe the educational choices available to students in the state, including but not limited to {as applicable} open enrollment, charter schools, private schools, homeschooling, tuition tax credit scholarships, vouchers, and education savings accounts.  The handbook’s content shall provide instructions on how parents can access each of the different options.

(2) The description of each education choice shall include contact information for the state office that administers each program.

(B) The department shall make these directories available at all public offices, including the Post Office, public libraries, and at all public schools.

(C) The department shall post the catalogue on the World Wide Web.

(D)  The department shall make the catalogue available in Spanish.

Section 3. {Severability Clause.}

Section 4. {Repealer clause.}

Section 5. {Effective date.}

Approved by the ALEC Board of Directors January 28, 2013

Re-Approved By the ALEC Board of Directors: September 3, 2019