Marie Vulaj



Marie Vulaj worked with ALEC membership from the business community and the nonprofit sector to advance free markets and make government work better.

Growing up as the child of immigrant parents who escaped socialism, Marie experienced the American melting pot first hand. Her family’s small business offered Marie the benefit of learning how the free market incentivizes success through entrepreneurship and hard work.

A drive to make a difference led Marie to leave the Bronx and start a career working in a variety of positions from Field Director to Finance Director for political candidates in seven different states.

Living in different states and interacting with business, community and political leaders led to her to take interest in federalism and state government and gave her a strong desire to help defend and expand the principles of a free market economy in states across the country.

In her free time, Marie can be found refinishing furniture, trying not to kill her vegetable garden, baking her irresistible chocolate chip cookies or playing tennis (her husband would object to calling what she does “playing tennis”).

Authored Articles

All Issues Are Women’s Issues
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