Drain the Swamp: ALEC Pushes for Civil Service Reform
When President Donald Trump promises to drain the swamp of Washington D.C., people cheer loudly at his rallies. But as we’ve seen for decades, firing government bureaucrats is easier said than done no matter how egregious or incompetent their behavior may be. Major reforms are needed to truly rid the system of corruption and to return power of government to the American people.
The American Legislative Exchange Council, better known as ALEC, is out with a new report this week detailing how the President can get the job done.
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Pavlich, Katie. (2017, Mar. 16). Drain the Swamp: ALEC Pushes for Civil Service Reform. Retrieved https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2017/03/16/alec-pushes-for-civil-service-reform-n2299842